Chapter Eight

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The forest echoes with the faint scream of Beverly, causing Eddie's eyes to flutter open slowly. He moans, his body screaming in protest as he forces himself to sit up. He leans himself against the wall of the clubhouse, his eyes adjusting to the darkness. He licks his lips, his chest and body burning. He grips the wall and pulls himself up, he whimpers in pain; his legs refusing to support his weight.

"Come on Eddie don't be fucking weak.."

A tear rolls down his cheek as he finally stands up, the weight of his entire body now supported against the wall. He assumed that Beverly put him down here, the plan going exactly her way. Knowing Eddie was weak and unable to pull himself out of the clubhouse, she places him in the hole; keeping him out of dangers way.

He lets out a small, breathless sob; the walls seeming to trap him in. He takes a deep breath and pushes himself off the wall, he pushes open the trapdoor; causing a large bang to sound. He grabs the edge of the wall and pulls himself out, tears now running freely down his filthy freckled cheeks.

He pulls himself onto the dirt, dust flying around him everytime he drags himself further away from the clubhouse. Finally out of the hole, Eddie lays in pain; his body a searing hot iron against the cool dirt. He pulls himself to his feet without the support of the wall, the sudden motion causing his vision to blur and nausea to rip through his stomach. He vomits a thin line of liquid into the dirt before he finally decides to walk. He takes a few shaky steps before he is able to actually walk with a some what fluid motion.

"Bev...!" He yells weakly, his small weak voice not even causing the animals in the trees to rustle.

He hacked into his arm, the dust and dirt causing his throat to close up. He unzips his fanny pack and takes a long puff of his inhaler. His throat opens up and he limps off to find Beverly*


"You'll float too...."

Beverly's eyes fly open, her vision blurry and out of focus. She blinks until she can finally make out her surroundings.


She was still dead smack in the middle of the woods, no one in sight. Night fall was inching closer and the wind was blowing colder, her thin white dress was no match for the weather. She licked her lips and stood up, her head pounding and her vision swimming in and out of out of focus.

Beverly was utterly lost, she didn't recognize her surroundings and there was absolutely no water. She came to the conclusion that she was going to die.

The thought of death ripped through Beverly, causing her to shake in fear. A small tear dripped down her face as she walked.

She suddenly regretted leaving Eddie alone in the clubhouse, his natural sense direction could be a big help as of right now. She sniffed and shook off the thought. All she needed right now is a way to stay warm.

She walked aimlessly around the forest, the trees and shrubbery only getting thicker. The thicker it got, the more she wanted to die.

She sobbed loudly, her sob echoing through out the forest. She wiped her nose and continued to trek, she walked for a solid hour before she finally couldn't continue on. Her legs shaky and her lungs and throat tightening as if the thicker the trees got, the harder her lungs had to work. She collapsed to the floor in exhaustion, small pants and whimpers filling the air around her.

It was now completely dark, her chest tightening in fear as every small rustle or snap caused her heart to run a marathon. She crawled over to the trunk of a tree and leaned against it. Her eyelids seemed to weigh so much, despite that, she didn't trust herself to rest them. She was utterly afraid of the woods and who knows, Pennywise could return and collect her too.

Just the thought of returning to IT's sewers caused a rush of adrenaline. She was determined to make it out of these woods alive, for Bill; but with her stomach clenching painfully with hunger, and her tongue like a cotton ball in her mouth; she knew she didn't have a lot of time.
Hey dudes, I had a hUgE writer's block and wasn't able to thinks of anything. I hope this doesn't seem like shit! Hope you enjoy it! Love you
-Eds the Spagets Man

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