Chapter Seven

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Beverly pants and whimpers as she sprints to the club house, her head starting to hurt.

"Let's float Billy."

Beverly gasps as her foot gets caught on a root, causing her to spill onto the floor. She groans as her shoulder connects with a rock. The clubhouse lays close in view, she scoops Eddie up again and continues running. When she reaches the clubhouse, she lowers Eddie in it carefully and closes the trapdoor softly.

Beverly screams loudly, clamping her hands over her ears. A loud scream echoed through her head, causing her eyes to water in pain.


Beverly's mouth falls open in horror as her arms slowly falls to her sides.


She jumps into action, sprinting as fast as she could towards the scream. On her way, she pulls up small rocks here and there for ammo. As she approaches the scene, something tackles her from the side. She screams, hitting the floor with such force it knocks the wind out of her.

"Nice try Bev.." Henry's pale, bloody white hand clenches at his side. His eyes trained on Beverly. "He is gonna float.." He smiles, his teeth already rotting. "He is going to float so far he will touch the moon."

Beverly reaches into her back pocket, pulling out her slingshot. She loads it with a rock and yanks if back.

Squelch, the rock shoots through Henry's forehead. His eyelids droop heavily over his red-rimmed eyes, he falls to his knees and sways for a minute before collapsing to the floor. Beverly breaths heavily, slowly standing up and backing away from Henry.

Another scream pierced her brain, causing her to clamp her hands over her ears. She sprints to the scream with her slingshot loaded and ready.

Beverly runs onto the scene, Bill stands closely facing the river.

She lowers her slingshot and walks over to him, "Bill?" She reaches his side and screams.

Bill's face; it was painted a greasy white face paint, the red lines connecting the smile was seemingly cut into his face, and the buttons of his flannel were big orange pom poms. Beverly backed away, her slingshot drawn. Hot tears stung at her eyes as "Bill" turned around.

"Hiya Bevvie..." The voice echoed through her head loudly, her hands itching to cover her ears. She set her jaw, pulling the slingshot back farther. "Why...?" He licks his lips, the blood smearing over his tongue. "You let me die Bevvie, how could you do that? You chose your's and Eddie's safety over mine oh how selfish.." He smirks, offended. "I thought you loved me!"

Bev was crying now, tears poured down her face. She lowered the slingshot and hung her head sadly.


Beverly's eyes fly open, the voice echoing through her head.

"Bev! Don't listen to It! I'm ok, I'm a shitty situation right now. He's trying to weaken you! That'!" The voice pauses, "Shoot that fucking whoremaster through his skull!"

Beverly pulls back the slingshot again, staring at "Bill". Her tears no longer falling, she sets her jaw and releases the rock in the sling shot.

The sight was horrible; the rock flung through It's skull, causing it to immediately change back. The wound causing blood to flow up from it's forehead. Beverly shudders as she turns around. She sprints to the clubhouse as fast as she could.

"Oh Beverlyyy!"

Beverly sobs loudly, tears obstructing her vision. The loud high pitched chorus of children crescendo as Pennywise runs closer to Beverly.

"Beverlyyyy...come float. Come float with ALL of us..."

Beverly clamps her hands over her ears tightly, her teeth clenched painfully. She continues to run, but; to where? She doesn't have a destination, she doesn't know where to go. The voices causing her to lose her sense of directions. The voices drawing her deeper to the woods.

She stops, the singing of the kids have disappeared; leaving Beverly alone in the uncomfortably quiet forest. She swallows what spit was left in her dry mouth, fear racking down her spine. She spins around, the forest contorting and spinning. Her pants and grunts fill the air around her as she struggles to stay up.

"Did you really think you could get away from me Bevvie?"

Beverly screams loudly, her dad limps up to her; his face is bloodied, his janitor shirt shredded in random places, and the left half of his skull is concaved almost completely. A shot of nausea plows through her body, she drops to her knees weakly. Her body heaving as she vomits bright green onto the forest floor.

"You will NEVER escape me Bevvie.."

Tears pour down her face as she grows weaker, the world spins dramatically until finally she falls; the world grows black before her head could hit the ground.

Holy fuk I was gone for a long time! I'm so so sorry I needed to take a really long break...I tried to give you a decent update so if y'all enjoyed it please vote and comment your opinion! Love all of you beautiful people:))

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