Chapter Twelve

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Beverly awoke to her face shoved deeply into someone's chest, the fabric of their shirt delicately grazing her eyelashes; with every breathe, her nose was filled with the smell of cigarettes and a very subtle touch of vanilla.


Beverly lifted her face away from their shirt, she immediately made eye contact with Richie Tozier..she let out a very loud sob as she buried her face even deeper into his chest, she tightened her arms around him as she inhaled his comforting scent. He hugged her closer and tighter than he's ever hugged her before. 

"I c-can't believe you're here.." she breathlessly sobbed into his shoulder, she felt him bring his hand off the small of her back to stroke the top of her head softly.."I-I have had the worst don't fucking understand."

"Bev...." Richie grabs her firmly by the shoulders and pulls her off of him, making deep eye contact with her, "'s been a week and a half since you've gone missing..well..since you, Bill, and Eddie have gone missing..." 

Beverly's heart dropped into her stomach, a week and a half?? There is no's only been like, at the most..three days? Beverly's stomach lurched, she pulls herself up off the floor and rushed to the nearest bush; she gags, causing a long stream of vomit to slip from her lips. She turns around after she has finished, her hands shaking and her lips trembling.

"R-richie..." She swallows as best as she can, she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and took a deep breath in, "...y-you did not just say it's been a week..."

Richie bit his lips and sighs, "I- uh...I actually said a week and a half.."

Beverly gags again, she whipped around and vomited loudly into the bushes. Richie pushed himself off the ground and walked over to her, he turned Beverly around and grabbed her hands; attempting to get them to stop shaking. He grabbed her chin softly and lifted it so they were making eye contact.

"Hey..that's why we came to look for you..we knew something wasn't right. After Stanley was killed w-"

Beverly shoved her finger onto Richie's lips, "St-stan is gone...?" 

Richie coughed and nodded sadly, "We found him behind the school...he had really bad stab wounds." Richie's voice cracked, he sniffed loudly and turned away from Beverly; his shoulders moved up and down as he silently cried. She walked over to him and pulled him into a tight hug as his cries became louder. She rubbed his back softly, his sobs were pulling aggressively at her heartstrings; needless to say, Beverly was very close to tears. 

"I-it happened the day you, Bill, and Eddie went missing..." He sniffed and pulled away from Bev, he took off his glasses and wiped his cheeks. He put his glasses back on and continued. "We figured out that it was Henry who did it..he left a note saying that "the moon" told him to do fucking dumb is that..?" 

Beverly sighed, her mind so full of so many stupid things that have happened over the past week. She looked down at her feet, knowing she'll never get to see Stan ever again. Her heart hurt in ways it has never hurt before. 

"Y'know..Eddie's gone too...."

Beverly whipped her head up, tears immediately flooding her vision, "W-what..?"

"Pennywise.." Richie cleared his throat, Beverly knew that a stupid lump was forming in Richie's throat, Beverly knew that Richie was in deep pain, and Beverly knew that he was very close to tears. Richie coughed on more time and continued his thought, "Pennywise..told me..he told me that he killed him..." Tears were dripping down his face and his voice was wavering like crazy, "This....fucking...fucki-fucking whore...killed him. He fucking killed him." Richie's voice was starting to get louder, Beverly brought her hands to her chest, her hands delicately clutching her armpits. 


"HE FUCKING KILLED HIM...THE FUCKING CLOWN KILLED THE LOVE OF MY LIFE..." Richie was now sobbing, his body jolted with every word he spoke; tears were staining his dirty cheeks. He grabbed a stick from the floor and snapped it in half, "HE KILLED HIM..HE KILLED HIM..OH MY FUCKING GOD HE KILLED HIM." He threw half of the stick onto the floor, "I'LL NEVER KISS HIM AGAIN..I'LL NEVER HUG HIM AGAIN...OH GOD...BEVERLY...I-" 

Richie dropped to his knees in chest jolting sobs, his voice hiccuped and cracked as he muttered incoherently. Beverly was now crying, she has never seen one of the Losers in this much pain; and it truly pained her to see him like this. She heard distant voices and she looked up, Ben and Mike came into view; they slowed down when they saw Richie on the floor, they dropped whatever they had and sprinted to him. When they reached him, the three of them engulfed him into a big hug. His sobs now became hiccuping coughs.  

"I- I want the fucking clown's heart...I want to crush it..h-he needs to f-fucking pay...HE NEEDS TO FUCKING PAY!!" 

Beverly, Ben, and Mike all rubbed Richie's shoulders and back in an attempt to comfort him. It truly pained them to see him like this. Mike pulled away from the hug and stood up, he coughed and everyone but Richie lifted their heads.

"Well, after tonight...let's kill that fucking clown...let's get Bill back. IT deserves to pay.."


hello, long time no see: hope you enjoy this chapter :) love you mah penguins

-your lovely author

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