Chapter Five

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Beverly's tears dribble onto his cheek as she pulls Bill out of the Marsh's apartment. Her loud sobs drowning out the weakening groans of her dad. Blood runs down his chin in drops as his split lip bleeds freely.

"We have to get you to Eddie.." She sniffles, snot dripping from her adorable button nose. "He'll know what to do." She grunts as she helps Bill down the stairs. "...And we cannot go to the hospital because they will fine us for care and I don't have the money for that.." She mutter to herself as they step off the last step.

"Bev.." He says in a small voice, "I think I can walk on my own.."

Beverly dismisses him thoughtfully as she lugs him over to Bill's bike, Silver. She sits Bill down and pulls the dingy grey bike from the floor.

"Get on.." She says as she swings her leg over the seat the huge bike, her toes barely touching the pedals.

Bill pulls himself off the floor, his head swimming wildly. He sits on the back of the bike as Bev struggles to pedal away.

"Bev.." Bill croaks as Bev starts to become more and more aggravated. "Bev, you're too short..let me pedal the sit on the back."

"NO!" She yells stubbornly as she finally gets the bike pedaling forward. She grins triumphantly as the bike swings from side to side.

"Bev.." The bike straightens out and Beverly's shriek of laughter follows after closely.

The bike picks up speed quickly, the cards clipping in the wind. Bev locks her arms, standing on the pedals. They make their way to the Barrens in search for their little medic.

Bev's fiery hair burns brightly in the sun, "HI-YO SILVER...AWAY!!!" She shrieks in pure happiness. Her icy eyes trained on the road in front of them.

Bill's cheeks blush a deep red, his heart throbbing at Bev's every move and reaction. The incident long gone in her brain, causing her expose her joy and childish personality carelessly. He flushed again as she yells out Bill's well known catchphrase.

Beverly's arms unlock as they reach their usual entrance to the Barren's, Eddie' and Stan's bike resting carefully on it's side.

"Something isn't right..." Bev whispers as she helps Bill dismount the bike. "It's too-"

A scream pierces through the woods, causing birds to flap up from their resting branches. Beverly's heart drops.

"That was Eddie..." She drops Silver, sprinting into the Barrens.


"Who's the one eating shit now, Kaspbrak!?"

Henry cackles as he shoves Eddie's face deeper into Patrick's shit pile. Sobs and wails echo through the Barrens. Henry's eyes glimmer with amusement and hatred as the smaller Loser squirms in his grip.

"S-st-hop" Eddie sobs out desperately.

Henry chuckles, letting the smaller Loser go, Eddie pulls himself up while wiping his face.

"HEY!" Henry screams, pulling Eddie back onto the ground harshly. "You're not fucking done."

Eddie groans in pain as Henry unzips his pants harshly. "You are done when I fucking say you are done.."

He pulls down his pants and underwear while licking his lips.


Bev sprints into the forest after the screams and protests of Eddie Kaspbrak.

"EDDIE!!" Bev screams, her voice echoing through the quiet forest.

Only a scream in response, Bev races after the scream. As she approaches the scene, a scream of her own escapes her pink lips.

Hey doods...finally updated! Again, thank you for getting this story for #1 I still cant believe this shitty story is #1...IDK why it is there but thank you!!

-Your Lovely Author

January Embers, My Heart Doesn't Burn There(Billverly)Where stories live. Discover now