5: Mission Failed

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Your eyes followed him as he paced slowly back and forth in front of the coffee shop. Your face hid behind the newspaper in front of you. A couple of months ago your boss Mikel Whener had put you on a mission to catch a notorious drug handler from Chicago, and having been on this case for more than a month you knew this would be your biggest bust. Everything surrounding you had blurred out because your focus was him and his every move. But you realized soon that was a mistake when a man with a black suit and slicked-back hair came upon him. He shook hands with the man and they walked away. To make sure you didn't stand out you were wearing jeans and a t-shirt, this would also enable you with flexible fighting tactics because of the flexibility of clothing. You followed behind Henry, who was your main target and kept your distance as not to get caught. You knew he would be looking over his shoulder so you pulled out your phone to distract him from your following. He probably saw you sitting down, you thought, a man like him has always got to have a sharp memory. He turned right around a corner store and stepped down off of the sidewalk to cross the street. Where was he going? You thought. The only thing to the left of this street is abandoned apartments and dead plantation. You stood on the side of the corner store and watched your surroundings, all the while keeping the silent phone to your ear and your attention on him. You watched him walk up a set of stairs that had missing ones in the middle, which he had to be careful to step over. He had then finally found the door to where he was heading and walked in...Minutes passed by and you were still here. You thought you should change your position since you had been standing there since he first went in. So a little further down the short street, you went until you reached a sewing shop. Standing behind the many fabrics hanging on a display rack out front, your eyes caught glimpse of a ray of light coming from inside of the room. And suddenly a shot was fired. People around you were turning to one another questioning where it had come from. And one lady simply stated, "Someone's always bringing their drama to this town." It was pretty quiet here. But even so, it was a pretty beaten up place with nooks and crannies of dark places and abandoned houses. Which might be a perfect thing for one of these kinds of meetups because probably no one would make mention of anything if they found out something was going on. You waited to see what would happen next, but it was nothing. Not until ambulance sirens were sounded and Henry rushed out of the room with his hand on his hip, as if he were holstering something or returning it. He continued on his previous path around the corner store, and down toward the coffee shop. And again you followed. This time without your phone to your ear. He stopped at some random shops front window and fixed his suit jacket nearly onto himself. After combing his fingers swiftly through his hair he caught a glimpse of you, and so that you wouldn't draw attention to yourself, because you had been watching him, you slightly dropped your jaw and looked around him waving. Not at anyone in particular but he did exactly what you wanted him to and looked in that direction. That gave you enough time to walk away. You could feel the tension rising in your chest that you were almost caught. But turning back around you saw him walking a distance away from you. You turned your head back in front of you and shook your head. Of course. Of course, you get caught right when you're about to wrap up the job. Again you turned and this time he was closer to you. Keeping his stare at your head. You turned the corner at the end of the street you were on and leaned against the brick wall to await his arrival. And once you caught sight of him in front of you your arm wrapped around his neck and you slung yourself onto his back. You knew you caught him off guard by the way he choked at the contact of your arm to his throat. "What are you doing here Henry?" He managed to flip you off of him and back you into a wall. "Why have you been following me?" He asked. You ducked between his legs and kicked your leg up upon turning on your backside and before he could collapse to the ground you backrolled on your feet, shaking the dust from your hair. "I want you to think about that question." But that little assault didn't affect him like it had done on other guys during other cases. He straightened himself up and huffed through his nose. "If you would have studied me long enough, you would know I don't like to fight women." You smirked and kicked him in his side. But that allowed him to grab your leg and pull you off of your other standing leg. You fell onto your back and coughed out a groan. "Now tell me again, why have you been following me?" He kneeled beside you and held his hand to your back slightly pressing you to the ground. You were in such a position that you couldn't even look him in his face. "You're a drug lord Henry. All the way from Chicago. Maybe you should be a little bit more careful with your transfers." You smirked once again testing his patience. But he didn't get angry, just frustrated as he released you and stood up. You quickly removed yourself from the ground and stood firmly should anything stir up between you two again. "Now how about we go for a ride and you can tell me all about your little meeting." You pulled out a pair of handcuffs from your back pocket. "No no no, you think I'm involved in this?" You shook your head in disbelief that he would try and deny it. "No seriously this is not what you think it is." As soon as you grabbed his hands and gathered the two behind his back-which he so voluntarily did-he grabbed your wrists and turned himself under the group of arms facing you and forcing his arm and your arm around your neck. Not as tight as you had done at the beginning of this whole ordeal. "I think it's important that you know who you've been following and stalking. An undercover aid for the Federal Agency of Chicago. And just like you, I am on a case, so I would appreciate it if you let me do my job." His voice was rasp and deep in your ear. You could feel the vibration from his accent in your head and it weirdly to you gave you chills. You thought back to when Henry went inside the building, the glare of light. He was showing his badge. Finally, after you struggled for a second he let you go. You pulled down your shirt and blew a harsh breath through your mouth. "So you're telling me, that you're on a mission? Do you have a crew? A boss?" He nodded and combed his fingers through his hair once again. "That's right." You shook your head in disbelief for the second time in the past five minutes. "Wow, how did we miss that?" You thought out loud. "Sounds like you need a new team. Your work is pretty good." He rubbed his side and chuckled. You tried not to smile but because of all the fighting and dodging you didn't realize how attractive he was, and you couldn't help but show him a little teeth. "Y/n Y/l/n, and you're Henry Gaveléo." He nodded and you chuckled. "Wow. Well, then I guess we better report back to our Chiefs." Suddenly your phone rang. Looking at the screen the name of your boss popped up. "Y/l/n here." You said answering the phone. Both of you parting ways after this mess of a not so complete but complete case.

My first time doing an action scene in any books that I've written so I apologize if it's badly written.

Thanks for reading!

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