32: When We Were Young

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You paced your bedroom floor back and forth as you contemplated doing what you have been scared to do your whole life. You didn't want to lose Henry as a friend but your feelings for him have gotten much deeper with time, and you know from the books and movies that exposing feelings like that often results in bad endings. It wouldn't be hard for Henry to have known you've liked him most of the time you've known eachother, but it would be easier to know for sure if you hadn't been jokingly disgusted by every thought or idea that was brought up about you being attracted to him and liking him as more than a best friend. Henry had sent a bit of a message every now and then too, only you had shot down the idea of it ever being that he liked you. You sat down onto your bed and plunged your head backward into it. You stuck a hand into the curly thick mess of hair you had and blew a heavy breath into the air. "I've gotta tell him." You said outloud to yourself. You grabbed your phone to text him to see if he was available to meet up with you. Before you could hit send you were recieving a call from none other than Henry himself. He wanted to meet you at your favorite park. The one with the willow trees you and Henry used to mark as teens, and the different shaped stones that you and Henry used as stages for your 'pass the time' plays. You agreed to meet him there and got yourself fixed up before heading out of your apartment and on over to meet him.


Once you were at the park you met Henry by the biggest willow tree in the whole place. He sat on one of the stones. You watched him from afar, getting in your mind how you would confess your feelings for him before heading over. As he caught sight of you his face lit up. "Hey you." He said as he got up from his spot on the stone and came up to you. You flashed him a smile to which he returned with a hug. "So what's up?" You started. "So I have to tell you something, and I'm kind of gonna do something," he started. Your stomach was in a knot already because of what you had to tell him, but now it twisted just a bit more. "Let it out man." You said wondering if he was going to tell you about some random idea he has. "Well I've been planning this for months so don't worry about it being one of my out of the blue adventures." He laughed as he joked. You chuckled because you found it humourous how he knew what you were thinking and also out of eagerness to hear what he would tell you. "I'm thinking about traveling. Just creating a list of places to go and knocking em out one by one as I go you know?" You laughed at his plan. Henry always had these big ideas like this but would never follow through. "Henry we both know you're not doing that come on." You shook your head. He stopped walking and so did you. "I'm serious," he chuckled at first but then his face went to sureness. "You're playinggg," you still didnt believe him. But now how would you hope to be with him the way you wanted if he's leaving to go all these many places. "I mean I really want to! I've seen..." He went on and on about all the places he's looked at to visit and stay for nights at a time and his excitement rose with every city he talked about. But as he was coming down from his excitement he said something that made you stop in your tracks. "...and I want you to come with me." You turned to face him and he stood there, awaiting your reaction and response. "You what?" You asked. There was so much more behind the way he said that, so you wondered what he was really asking you. "I want you to come with me...but that's not the only thing I have to tell you," he said. You stood infront of him waiting for him as you watched him struggle to begin saying what he had to say."Y/n, from the moment I met you, I knew that you were truly the best person and friend I could ever have in my life. I've always admired you so much. Your inner beauty just as much as your outer beauty. You're intelligent and constantly interesting and I always find myself being so drawn by your wit and fire. You have a light in your eyes that I've seen in no other soul, and...and I love you." Your breath hitched within your throat. You were taken back and struck by his words as you watched his eyes sparkle with tears just waiting and hoping to fall. You could do nothing more in this moment than to look him in his eyes, staring straight into his soul and he into yours. "I hope that this doesn't ruin our friendship id you don't feel the same because i dont think i could live if it does but i couldnt hold it any longer." He continued. "Henry I-" You started, he cut you off before you could finish however. Maybe because he was scared you would say the things he didnt want to hear. That you're just friends. Little did he know.

"Do you remember when we were young, and we stood right here, acting as if we owned the land and would adopt all the children we could?" He said looking over all of the willow trees and field that lay before you. "I never lied about wanting that with you. Even if we were just kids and had no idea what any of that meant." He turned back to you, grasping your hands. "Only, I want those children to be our own. And I want the house and the family with you. You're everything a man could dream to have in a companion. And I need you in more ways than you could imagine." You squeezed his hands with yours, drowing in the hold his eyes had on you. Your eyes roamed his face as yours stained with warm tears. Before you or Henry could say anything else, you placed your lips on his. Grasping the left side of your face with his soft yet firm left hand he pulled you closer to him. Your arms drapped over his shoulders as he then lifted you, holding onto you with all the strength he had. "I love you Henry." You said between the kiss. He placed you back down before removing his lips from yours. "I had planned on telling you my true feelings for you when we would meet but you beat me to it." The two of you chuckled. "I have always loved you." You said. He smiled and placed his hands on your waist. "I want nothing more than to have that life with you." His smile widened as he lifted you once more spinning you into oblivion. Your laugh as full as the moon in winter. Your heart was now complete.

* * * * *

So me and some friends went to see "Little women" tonight and I loved it and got sooo inspired by it that I just had to write this! Pleasee let me know what you think :)

Thanks for reading!

Henry Cavill Imagines (y/n)Where stories live. Discover now