27: The Photos

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How could someone be so beautiful? You thought. Hair so dark and flowy and eyes so piercing. You couldn't help but stare even when your best friend Klaya had told you multiple times to stop because it made you look like a stalker. But you couldn't believe it. You just needed a couple more glances before you would fully accept how gorgeous this stranger was. As long as you have lived in Morange County you have never seen him before. And in all of your 24 years of living, you had never seen anyone that even comes close to his looks. Sooner or later you would have to go up and talk to him in this tiny record store, at least that's what Klaya suggested. After all, your staring had seemed to catch his attention a few times. "If you don't do it I will bring him over here." She said. You shook your head. "Please, Klaya don't do this." You had made up in your mind already that you weren't going to go up to him. But you knew your best friend and you knew she would most likely go up to him if you didn't so you begged her not to. "I don't care you need to finally get out there. You're ready." After your last break up you had given up on relationships and shut yourself out of the dating world. That was until you saw him. You did want to somehow talk to him but you were just too nervous. It's been almost three years since you talked to a man you were actually attracted to. And this one surely was a sight. And the way his clothes fit him. He was just a masterpiece. You brought your eyes to look over him once more, but your stomach dropped as you did. Klaya was having a full-on conversation with him and they were looking your way. Immediately you turned away from them and scratched your head. It was an automatic thing you did when you grew nervous or flustered by something. Suddenly two figures were in your peripheral vision and you didn't have any choice but to turn and look at the individuals who you knew to be Klaya and that masterpiece of a man. "Hi," He said before Klaya intercepted. "Y/n this is my new friend. Why don't you introduce yourself." She grinned at you knowing what she had just done. "I'm y/n, nice to meet you." You politely shook his hand as he chuckled at you. "Your friend here was right...you have very striking features," He said observing you. You didn't know how to respond except to blush and thank him before looking away from this handsome stranger. "You know I went to school for two and a half years studying photography and media. I'd love it if I could take some photos of you. They'd truly be works of art." He finished. You were taken back by this offer, no one had ever told you those things about yourself. Not even your last boyfriend who you were with for three years. Deep in thought, you realized you still hadn't answered his question until Klaya nudged your arm with hers. "Yeah sure, thanks. Just let me know when and where." You smiled and thought the plan was set. That all you had to do was give him your email because you were not about to give him your number and be on your way. "I say we do it right now...there's a field out back and I've got my equipment right in the car." Looks like you had to find another excuse to get out of this. "Well I didn't bring much cash with me and I wouldn't want you doing anything for fr-" "No worries...I don't get to take many pictures of such rare beauty." He cut in. Your mind was changing. He was saying all of the right things. You took a glance at Klaya who was eagerly gesturing for you to agree. And you gave in. "Ok, I guess," You smiled uneasily as Henry's expression grew quite excited. "I'll meet you out back.


A little walking and talking had taken place until you all three reached the spot where you would have your pictures taken. There was a couple not too far off from you guys so it didn't seem like a trap for Henry to have brought you back there. Even though he seemed genuine you were still a little uneasy about the whole situation. Some random photographer just taking your pictures in a field behind a music store. But you thought just for a quick second that you were just being paranoid and pushed all those thoughts out of your head. Henry then began to tell you positions and poses to do. "Head a little to the left and hand on thigh please." He said as he focused his vision into the tiny square box of his camera. He got down on one knee and held the camera very close to him at an angle. A couple poses and smiles later and you were done. "Wow, these look great." Henry was clicking through the many pictures he took of you and called you over to look at them. "I love them." You responded. "I'm sure you want them sent to you, how should I go about doing so?" He asked. You thought about giving him your phone number but you didn't really want to do that since you just met a little over an hour ago. Maybe he could have them printed and sent to you, but then he'd have your address. He could email them but you haven't checked your email in years and your almost positive the photos would get lost in the spam or junk box. "Henry do you have a shop?" Klaya asked interrupting your train of thought. "Uh yes, actually it's not too far either. Why don't you come by and pick them up there? I could have them edited and printed and you'll be good to go." He explained. That sounded like a better idea. That way you wouldn't have to give him any information of yours. "Yeah, that sounds cool." He gave you the address to his shop and all three of you headed back to the front of the store where you would part ways.


Maybe one or two more imagines will be written based off of this one.


Thanks for reading!

Henry Cavill Imagines (y/n)Where stories live. Discover now