10: Regret

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*So this chapter is quite different. Henry has a pov and it's another "I'm pregnant." Scenario because I love those kind of imagines 😁.*


You waited for the arrival of your boyfriend Henry to tell him something. The two of you never talked about having kids but you thought he would be really excited when you tell him. As you were tidying up the house a little bit you heard Henry come through the door. And your dog poncho came running to him with his tail wagging and hitting everything he got near. "Hey honey," He kissed your cheek. "How was your day?" He asked. "It was good. Can we talk?" He looked to be confused at first but followed you to the living room. "Henry I'm uhh...I'm pregnant." You chuckled before you could fully get the sentence out. When you did he was almost just, stuck. "Pregnant," He got up and began to slowly pace the living room. "Well arn't you happy?" You asked getting up aswell. The reason you ask is because of his sighing and his stressed expression. "Y/n we're not ready for kids." He said. Really? Not ready for kids? You're in the best position to have kids but the fact that you never even talked about it drew the conclusion to you that he wouldn't mind it because you sure don't. "What do you mean we're not ready to have kid's?" You asked. You were frustrated that he wasn't taking this the way you had hoped. "I mean we cannot have a baby right now." He stood infront of you with his hands out. "Well Henry I don't know what you want me to do, this isn't my fault!" You were really upset now. Did he really think you would get rid of the baby? "You're the one who's pregnant!" He replied. You laughed at the ignorant comment. "How can I get pregnant without somebody there to make me pregnant? Do you realize how idiotic what you just said was?" He shook his head and sat back down. "I think we need a break." You raised your eyebrows at him and scoffed. "You think? No. I think you need to leave until you can decide if you want this family or not because I'm having this baby with or without you!" You walked upstairs to avoid any more confrontation with him. You just couldn't believe he didn't want this.


It's been three months since you talked to Henry. He did move out and you had no intentions of getting back with him unless he wanted to take responsibility for his child. You couldn't say you don't miss him but right now you're focused on the well being of yourself and the baby.

2 years later


It's been such a miserable 2 years. I miss Y/n everyday and I don't think I'll ever get her back. I shouldn't have walked out of her life like that. Out of my child's life. I don't know if it's a boy or a girl, I don't know their name, and I missed a lot of important things. I regret not taking responsibility. Y/n was my life. I wanted to marry her, but I just wasn't ready to have a kid and I panicked. And now that she's out of my life I realize how much I want her back. How bad I want this family with her. But I know she would never take me back. Not after I left her the way I did. I grabbed my jacket and put on my gym shoes to get ready for my workout. It's the only thing I do now to keep my mind off of her. I went to reach for the door but the doorbell had rung so I looked out of the peephole to see who it was before I let them know I was home. I don't like being bothered much by people anymore. It was a familiar face. But I could hardly see because they were looking down. I opened the door and the person lifted their head to meet my eyes with theirs. And that's when I knew. Those were my favorite pair of eyes. Tight and big they were, the deep of brown in them curled around me and brought a chill to my body. "Hi Henry." She said. "Hey," I couldn't find anything else to say. So I let her in and closed the door behind her. Because I hadn't stopped staring at her I didn't notice what or who she had with her. A little girl. I looked down at her and her big blue eyes stared back into mine. Probably wondering who I am and why she is here. "Is this-" I had to stop or else I would have broken down. "Yes." Y/n replied. She's mine. My baby girl. I got on my knees and wrapped my arms around the child. And I couldn't hold back the tears anymore. They fell down my face the more I engulfed her. I pulled back after a few seconds and smiled at her. I couldn't believe how beautiful she was. She gets that from her mom. "What's your name sweetheart?" She looked at Y/n, which I can understand. If some guy you've never seen in your life asks you what's your name, of course you'd go to your mom. "It's ok honey go ahead." Y/n's voice was slightly breaking and my baby girl brought her face back to face me. "Alexandria." I smiled. Y/n has always liked that name. "It's a beautiful name." She tilted her head and brought her hand to mine. Her tiny thumb wiping the tear that fell from my eye. "Why are you cwying?" She asked. I shut my eyes and took in everything that was unfolding. My baby girl standing infront of me with her hand on my face, and Y/n, the love of my life sitting on a couch right beside me. Upon opening my eyes I looked over at Y/n who was wiping away tears herself. "Because I'm happy." She smiled. And I smiled. I hugged her one more time before standing up and walking over to where Y/n sat. She looked up at me and I sat down beside her. "I'm so sorry, Y/n." I said. The strain in my voice causing my words to rumble. "I didn't realize how much I wanted this until I didn't have it anymore." She watched her young child-our young child-play with the doll she had carried in, on the floor as I spoke. "I've missed you every second of everyday." I cleared my throat. Because it honestly was making me sound like a frog or something. Though she didn't have a crying facial expression the tears streamed down her face every now and then. It shows how strong of a woman she is. "I'm...involved with someone, now, Henry. We're engaged." That crushed me. All this time of thinking how I could get her back and now I find out that that can never happen? It tore me up inside. "What?" She scoffed and wiped her tear stained face. "You can't blame me. I mean you literally walked out of our lives." She then looked at me and her eyes said it all. She was hurt. "And I regret it everyday." I grabbed her hand but she pulled it back. "I just wanted you to see your daughter. Tom told me where you lived." I didn't even think of how she might had found out where I lived. She had begun to get up and go for Alexandria's hand but I stopped her. "Wait, Y/n." She turned back to face me. "I still love you. I can't help that. But just..." I looked at everything there was to admire about her. Including her chest and neck where I would leave so many marks. And remembering that made it even more painful. "Stay a little bit longer." I grabbed her hand and noticed the ring that sat on her ring finger. And that made me look back at her. Making eye contact. "I can't Henry." She strained. She was about to cry. "Please don't do this." She began to pull away from me. "Come on Alex." The little girl hugged my leg before skipping along. She didn't know about anything that was happening. I hoped that she wouldn't. That would only crush her already kind and sweet heart. And I watched what could have been my whole life again, walk out of my front door as I had done in the past.

Thanks for reading!

Henry Cavill Imagines (y/n)Where stories live. Discover now