14: Beach Day

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Your heart raced as you placed your towel in your bag, the last thing on your list of items to bring with you on your trip to the beach with Henry. This was a trip you both needed badly. To get away from all of the bickerings your family had done with you about dating an actor, and to get away from the stresses of work and responsibilities. "Hey, you ready?" He had come into the bedroom wearing shorts and an open Hawaiian shirt. As well as his fedora and Boss shades. "You're such a dad." You laughed at him and he chuckled. "My intentions stand understood." You jokingly pushed him aside and giggled your way down the stairs. "Did you pack the sunscreen?" He asked. "I packed half of the house calm down!" You shouted from the porch. You had already gotten outside because you were just too excited to still be in the house. Soon enough Henry was carrying his bag out of the door as well as Kal who was just as excited as you. Kal had jumped into the car via Henry opening the back door for him, and made his way onto your lap. "Aren't you so excited boy!?" You squealed in his square little face and he licked your nose. Henry chuckled at the sight and began to pull out of the driveway. 


"Life is a highway!!" Henry sang as you sped down the highway. "Hen can you let them sing the song?" You laughed. You had put up with his horrible yet adorable attempt to sing every song on the radio the whole time the both of you were driving. "Babe I can't do that." You just shook your head and admired the actor that you loved so much. 


You finally reached the beach and grabbed your bag as you got out of the car. Kal followed closely behind Henry while the three of you made your way to the sandy beach. "You wanna sit close to the water?" He asked. "Doesn't matter!" You shouted over the harsh wind. You tried to hold onto the hat that you wore to keep the sun out of your face but you failed and your hat was blown away. "Ughh why!?" You ran after your hat but the sand was dense and with every step you took you didn't get that far ahead. Then suddenly you stepped into a hole in the sand and fell face forward in it. "Y/n!" You heard Henry shout. "Are you ok?" You could tell he was trying not to laugh by the way he bit his lip to prevent him from doing so. "My hat Henry." You said loudly enough for him to hear over the strong wind. You looked up ahead to see it buried slightly by some sand and soon enough Henry had got to it and dusted it off. He then made his way back to you while you were occupied gathering yourself together. "Here ya go." He was out of breath and his towel was hanging on his now bare chest.

He held his shirt in his hand

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He held his shirt in his hand. Kal had run after a seagull and Henry went to call him and you were left overwhelmed by the hilarious chaos.

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