4: I'm Pregnant

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You stood in the kitchen and awaited Henry's arrival, as he was just getting off from work. You had told him you had something very important to talk to him about when he gets home, and you were really scared to do so. Three days ago you found out you were pregnant, and this was something that the two of you hadn't really talked about and the thought that he wouldn't be ready to take on this responsibility lingered in your mind. It was only because of his long trips away and long hours and days at work that you thought about this. Because Henry would be a little while getting there, you wanted to distract yourself by cleaning the house even though it didn't need it. You did this when you were either bored or stressed and right now you're everything except calm. Anxious, stressed, scared, nervous...all of the above. It only took you about 15 minutes to clean dirt and finger smudges that weren't there, and as you finished putting the cleaning products away in the bottom of the kitchen sink, you heard Henry come through the door. Standing up straight from the cabinet your eyes landed on him, his suitcase, his coffee canteen, and his suit jacket hanging over his arm. He must be tired you thought. Maybe you didn't have to tell him. Maybe you could just wait, but that wouldn't be right would it? "Hey honey." Upon entering the kitchen he managed to grab your waist and kiss you while still holding all of his things. "Hey." You replied mellowly. You stood back on the counter as you watched him place his suit jacket on a barstool and his bag and canteen on the island. "You doing ok? What did you have to talk to me about?" He grabbed your hand and pulled you closer to him. "Can we...sit down and talk?" He nodded and followed you into the living room and you both sat on the grey suede love seat. You sighed to try and release some of the tension out of your chest but you just couldn't get rid of it. "Umm...I don't really think there's any other way to say this but, I'm pregnant." You finally said. You looked down at your hands and all of the bad thoughts started to creep in again."I know you probably won't stay but I just thought you should know." You rushed into one sentence. Henry placed his hand on yours and used his other to lift your face to look at him. "You're having my child. You honestly think I would leave you?" Yes, you really believed that. But how could you? you thought to yourself. Henry was the sweetest guy to ever come into your life. "It's just that, we had never talked about having kids and with your career and everything I just thought you wouldn't have time for us." You hiccuped. You were trying to hold back the sobs but it seemed impossible. So Henry took it upon himself to engulf you in his arms and rub your head as it laid on his firm chest. The fact that his shirt was now wet with tears didn't catch the attention of either of you. "All I'll ever want to do is be with you and take care of you. And now that we're having a baby you both are my responsibility. I love you y/n." You removed your head from his chest and looked at him. He brushed your cheek with the side of his thumb and brought his face to yours to kiss you on your slightly moist lips. "I love you too." You whispered holding your hands to his face and your forehead to his. 

Thanks for reading!

Henry Cavill Imagines (y/n)Where stories live. Discover now