Chapter 1: Welcome Home

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I can recall the first time i met jeon jungkook it was way back in my highschool years i was nineteen and he was about six years old he was clumsy, a cry baby, and he loved iron man with all of his tiny pure heart

The little kid would always do silly things to make me smile i even remembered the last day we spoke and it was the day i left to study abroad that day was the saddest day of my life i had to leave the love of my life/ best friend plus i never even got a chance to confess

Its been eleven years since I've been back to daegu now im on a train on my way back home i miss my old life, friends and family most importantly i miss jimin my jimin

Now i think it's time for me to confess my love because as i was away i was miserable thinking of his beautiful face and how much i miss his voice its sad that i lost contact with everyone there i bet they would be surprised if i popped up especially my mother and my brothers Baekhyun, Baekbeom, and Haodong

"Excuse me sir but you've arrived at your destination" a man said to me i kindly nodded towards him then got off grabbing my bag and jacket ugh im Finally here i forgot what it feels like to be home how the air smelled and how beautiful it was

"Excuse me are you kim taehyung?" I shook my head yes i guess he was the driver that was supposed to drive me home

"Follow me" i followed the old man to the car it took him about an hour to get to my old house once we arrived my palms started to get sweaty i was nervous what if they didn't live here anymore what if i got the wrong house that would be so embarrassing

I walked up to the door and knocked softly as expected my mother answered the door and almost fainted tears started fall down her eyes once she realized who i was i even started to cry too it's been so long since i saw her my bothers walked to the Front door and that's when i really started to cry they look so different and bigger from last time

"Eomma i made lemo-t-taehyung!" I looked past them and heard a glass broke my heart almost bursted in tears when i saw who it was it was him my jimin, he ran towards me and gave me a big hug sobbing on my shoulder

"its been a long time minnie" i said while caressing his hair he looked up at me and smiled while saying "too long"

As we started to chat and catch up it felt like something was missing "hey min where is kookie?" Yeah where is he i would've expected a big hug or a squeal from the younger boy i wonder what he looks like now

"Oh he's in the backyard come on I'll show you" i followed him to the big glass sliding doors and when he opened them i saw something i least expected it was a boy with raven hair he was shirtless mowing the lawn his body was built he looked far much stronger than me and a bit taller

The boy stopped mowing the lawn and grabbed his water bottle to drink a little out then he poured it all over his head and body after he did that he slicked back his hair back dramatically showing his beautiful face its as if he was sculpted by gods who is he?

"Kookie! Come here i want you too see somebody" wait that was jungkook?! Baby bunny?? What happened to him damn I really was gone too long

Jungkook ran to us and smiled brightly "Hyung Is that you? Wow you look good" i dont know why but hearing him call me hyung turned me on a bit his deep yet raspy voice was just so sexy i mean my voice is deeper but jungkooks sounded like it was dripping with sexiness and him being shirtless wasn't helping anything either shit why am like this?

"Thank you kookie you look good yourself you've gotten bigger" jungkook smirked and I could've sworn he looked me up and down Checking me out

"So how long are you staying?"

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