Chapter 7: Boyfriends

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Jungkook hasn't been home for weeks and im starting to get worried he won't answer my calls nor texts i even called that bastard wonho and all he told me was that jungkook broke up with him that's it that's all where did he go? I miss him our bed feels cold and empty without him, i miss when he would smile at me in the morning, most of all i miss his voice i know i shouldn't but i do after that talk with haodong i dont really know who i love anymore

Jimin makes me feel like a teenage boy all over again but jungkook makes me feel things I've never experienced anger which was rare, want and most importantly love i felt loved, i felt so much different when i was with him now it kills me knowing that he might not even come back

"Tae?" Jimin called out to me softly i turn to him and smiled at his beauty jimin was always so perfect without doing anything he could dance, sing and steal anyones heart without trying

"Yes chim" he came and sat on my lap wrapping his arms around my neck smiling back at me being this close makes me think about that party and how jungkook got close to me

"Lets go out today i don't wanna sit around plus me and you havent really hanged out" he was right the reason we didnt really hang was because i was too busy with kookie

"Where should we go?"

"Hmmmm how about a movie or somewhere out to eat anywhere is fine by me"

"Ok let me just get ready real quick then I'll be downstairs" jimin stood up and left my room so i got up and changed out of my pyjamas and into some black skinny jeans and a fluffy sweater then my dr. martens and a couple of rings i dont really feel like going anywhere nor do i feel like sitting at home waiting on jungkook wasting my hope and time 

When i went downstairs  jimin was ready so we left to god knows where getting fresh air might be good for me "tae did you fight with jungkook?"

Thats the thing did we fight? Did kookie leave because of me? Was everything he said at that party was the truth because now im starting to believe it all "n-no why would you think that chim?"

"Well ever since jungkook left you've changed you rarely smile and you dont speak much can i know what happened?" If i tell him what happened then i would have to confess my feelings to him which is something im not ready for

"Its nothing minnie i just miss him i feel lonely in our bedroom" jimin smiled then my hand as i smiled back

"Well i hope i can help you not feel lonely from now on" i should feel happy and content yet i feel far from that i still feel a bit empty

"Where here come on lets grab a bite to eat"we got out of the car walking into a diner called foodgasms it was a pretty weird name then again it was hilarious, me and jimin sat in a booth far away from the other customers

The waitress took our orders then after me and jimin talked but the whole time all i could think of was kookie

I wonder what he's doing right now


"F-fuck june r-right there" jungkook moaned out in pure ecstasy

"Shh baby dont be too loud" he said to jungkook

"June! Harder!" He yelled out gripping the sheets the feeling he felt was just too much

"Im going as hard as i can" junhoe said before he kept scratching jungkooks back he was really itchy

"Ok thats enough im ok now" june smiled and helped jungkook sit up they were currently in their shared bedroom watching movies before jungkook kept complaining about his back

"Hey kooks you need to go home i know your family is worried" he was right and jungkook knew that but he didnt want to face taehyung not after all that shit happened between them

"Your right but im not ready"

"At least go and see them for once please do it for me" jungkook looked at him then sighed he knew this day would come might as well get it over

"Fine but you have to come with me i need help with moving some of my stuff out of taehyungs room" junhoe smiled and kissed jungkook happily his little baby was really growing up

"Great get up because were goint now"

Here goes nothing


After me and jimin went out to eat we went to the movies and hopped every last one before we got kicked out then we drove around reminiscing and i have to admit i enjoyed myself and for the first time i found myself forgetting about jungkook

Now we were about to walk in the house but i stopped jimin because this was the perfect time to get everything off my chest "minnie there's something ive been wanting to tell you for years but i could never find the words or right moments to tell you"

He looked at me confusedly "park jimin im in love with ive been in love with you since the first day i saw you, i always wanted to make you mines hell i even came back to confess but I've been a coward and now im ready to take us to another level that's unless your willing"

Jimin eyes widened he didnt know what to say he doesn't love taehyung but he couldn't just reject his bestfriend that would mess everything up between them "y-yes" he said unsure if that was the right answer

Taehyung kissed him passionately smiling into the kiss this was finally happening he waited so long and never did he ever think something like this would happen but that was all interrupted when they heard something drop to the ground when they pulled away the last person taehyung expected to be there was here and that was jungkook

He saw everything

"Kookie? When did you get here" jimin pulled away fron taehyung and hugged his brother jungkook stood there froze not hugging jimin his gaze never leaving taehyungs

Shit this couldn't happen jungkook didnt need to know anything about this "i-i came back to collect my things im moving out minnie" they both looked at jungkook shocked at what he said  moving out?

June came outside with baekhyun and a bag of cookies that their mother baked for him and jungkook they both stopped laughing when they saw jungkook taehyung and jimin standing awkwardly "baby is everything ok" june said to jungkook after he kissed his cheek

Jimin was angry so was taehyung but he was mad for all the wrong reasons "your moving in with him!"

"Jimin now is not the time to do this i love you and just goodbye" jungkook grabbed his box and put it in the car while jimin stomped into the house june sat in the car waiting on jungkook

"K-kookie" taehyung called out to him jungkook smiled fakely covering up his true hurt he knew that he had to give up on taehyung that this unrequited love was going to be the death of him

"Yes hyung" that word it felt like it's been forever since he heard it come from the jungkooks lips hearing that made him want to break down into tears the feelings he wanted to forget came back intruding his mind and heart

"I guess this is goodbye"

"Yeah goodbye hyung take care of minnie for me" that was that they didnt hug or shake hands they just went their separate ways

But at the end of the night neither of them could stop thinking about eachother and things they shouldn't of left unsaid

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