Chapter 13: My Boss

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"Mr Kim" A lady with a soft voice said to me she had long blonde hair and dazzling green eyes she was a bit shorter than me too

"Mr jeon will see you now" Jeon the one name I was trying to avoid I was hoping she would interview me I was scared to face jungkook after all these years scared that he didn't feel what I felt anymore

"This way please" I walked behind her and the only thing I could hear was the clacking of her heels against the hardwood floor and my heart pounding in my ears my hands we're getting sweaty

We walked up to his door she just left me there and walked away it took me forever to knock on his door and when I did I heard him say "come in" My heart skipped a beat his voice changed from when he was seventeen it was way more mature and deeper

When I walked in he was looking out of his big office window while his back was facing me he changed so much while I just stayed the same old boring taehyung "take a seat"

I did as I was told hoping he would turn back and look at me I wanted to see his face when he knew it was me I wanna know how he would feel because at this moment I wasn't feeling ok

"So you must be my new client can you introduce yourself" It took me forever to actually think of something to say

"My name is k-kim taehyung" And that's when he turned around looking me straight in the eyes I lost my breath because he was so beautiful so grown up and it made me want to cry his hair was no longer jet black now it was dark grey god that color fit him so well

"Hyung?" He said softly and I never knew how I missed that word so much how I longed for it from those pretty lips of his I missed this most importantly

I missed my kookie

He came closer to me I just sat there staring at his face letting him do what ever he wanted his strong hand softly caressed my face making me lean into the palm of his hand "your crying"

He said barely a whisper i was so caught up with my thoughts that I didn't realize I was crying "that's because I miss you and I can't believe your really standing right in front of me this has to be a dream"

"If it's a dream i dont want it to end" he whispered onto my lips before he kissed me softly and what did i do i let him i wanted this i didnt refuse because my body and mind wouldnt let me

"Your crying again baby whats wrong?"

"I-I shouldn't let you touch me I tried to contact you for years I even sent you pictures and letters but what did you do ignore it"

"What do you mean I never got anything my father never told me about the mail or letters that came to the house I waited everyday just to hear from you I even waited for you to call my dad just told me that you guys spoke and that you said you never wanted to speak to me ever again"

I was furious now because thats not even what happened "that's a lie! See I told you your old man was bad news"

Jungkook stood there processing what Taehyung said "get up were gonna go on a little trip" I didn't question him since he had a angry look on his face we walked around the big building I guess we were searching for his father

"Sorry but jungkook you can't go in there your father is havi-"

"Shut up seyoung and take a seat before I have your ass fired and out of here within seconds! " He said harshly wish was mean then again seeing him act like this had me feeling a bit horny

He barged into the big meeting office startling the men and women who we're listening to what looked like a presentation "jungkook? What is it son" His father said to him

"Everyone out now" his father didn't look pleased with what was going on he pulled me by my arm into the room still mad at the people because they wouldn't budge

His father stood up with fire in his eyes "what is he doing here?! "

"I didn't stutter everyone get the fuck out now!" All the people sitting hurriedly grabbed their things and left the room now it was only the three of us I was scared because I've never seen jungkook so angry like this especially his father

"You have plenty explaining to do jicheol why did you lie to me huh! Why didn't you let taehyung speak to me"

"That's nun of your business jungkook leave this room and go back to work we have better things to worry about"

Jungkook walked up to him and grabbed him by the collar "tell me now! Or I'll leave this fucking company and go back to daegu!"

"Alright! I didn't want him to distract you especially since you just became popular with the other companies I needed you I needed this and I didn't want you to just flush your career down the drain over some guy who claims that he had a child that's yours!"

"Wait child" Jungkook said and turned to me

"Y-yes I had a baby kookie months after you left and that baby is yours you were the only person that touched me intimately no one else I only love you" Jungkook stood there for a second tears welling up in his eyes I didn't know what he was thinking he walked towards me and took me out of the office

We walked to the elevator and took it to the parking lot I didn't know that a interview could lead up to something like this "get in the car Tae" I wanted to question him to know his thoughts but no I just did as he asked stupidly getting into the drivers seat

"Where to? " I looked at him waiting for him to speak

"Take me to him i want to meet our son"


Well damn I've been taking too long to update my chapters I was supposed to publish this on christmas as a present or whatever but I kept getting distracted anyways I hope you guys liked it because I think that this chapter was rushed and boring but continue reading on my pretties ❤

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