Chapter 16: Meeting Her

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I didn't want to do this I didn't want to get married to anyone other than taehyung but I had to do this for the sake of his career and for my family i dont even know what to do anymore my head wont stop spinning

"Chin up jungkook you want to set a good example to your future wife" Ugh hearing him say that made me gag instantly this girl would never be a future anything to me I was going to make sure this marriage was a disaster I'll cheat if I have to maybe even start a scandal

"She's here be on your best behavior remember if you don't I'll ruin you"

"I'm happy a old piece of shit like you wasn't in my life growing up I was better without you sorry excu-"

"Jeon jungkook" I heard a soft voice say to me and when I looked up it was her the girl I was supposed to meet i have to say she beautiful and she seemed like a sweetheart her light brown hair was in a ponytail she wore a pink long sleeve dress

It's too bad I have to make her divorce me

"Yes hello and you must be Jung Eunbi" She smiled and sat down having a small conversation with my father before he left saying he had to go to meeting

"So about this marria-"

"Listen up fuck face" Eunbi said before she took her hair out of the ponytail and rolled her sleeves up showing some of the tattoos she had she changed she wasn't sweet anymore if anything she was tainted

"I promise that I'm going to make your life a living hell if you agree to this marriage I don't care what your father says nor mines I don't love you and I never will" Wow she was on the same page as me but she didn't have to be rude about it she isn't my type at all

"Ok for one princess when you talk to me speak with manners and for two don't flatter yourself I couldn't be in love with you even if I wanted to your a girl and last time I checked I was in love with dick" She looked at me baffled but her expression softened before she broke down in laugher

"You know I'm sorry about my attitude your different jungkook,  I like different let's be friends" She said holding her hand out for me I smiled and shook her hand I really liked her too and I wouldn't mind being friends with her

"Well before i got rudely interrupted I wanted to tell you that I had no intention of marrying you and that actually im in love with someone else"

"Good because I am too I wanted to approach you with the tough untouchable bad girl look because most guys hate that I'm happy your gay i was tired of turning down all those marriage requests" I chuckled and ordered us some hot chocolate

Me and eunbi well eunha (that's what she likes to be called)  talked mostly about our family and lovers I showed her the pictures I had of mark in my phone and she told me all about how she fell in love with her best friend his name was park kyung and her father didn't want her to marry him because he wasn't wealthy enough

But she didn't care she still loved him for him even if he was oblivious about her feelings "you know kookie there's times I want to confess all my love to him but I know we wouldn't be the same anymore and that he might not even return my feelings"

"That's how I felt when Taehyung came back to daegu I was going to confess to him but I found out the real reason he came back and kept my feelings a secret until I couldn't anymore it's best if you tell him now and get it over with instead of holding it in and driving yourself crazy either way you'll get hurt that's life you'll get over it I know I did" She sipped her hot chocolate staring into space processing what I just said to her

"Your right but enough about this what are we going to do about this stupid marriage"

I smirked at her micheviously "about that listen closely, I have a plan that'll work perfectly"


"So kooks how did it go what did your dad say you haven't told me and whenever i ask you always change the subject so what's going on" Taehyung said to me mark was fast asleep and the house was quiet I know I should've told him what happened but I just don't know how to bring it up

"I'm getting married" He stopped giving me a massage and just stood there looking at me wide eyed "look its not what you think sit down and let's talk about it"

He hesitantly sat down next to me and tensed when I touched his thigh "I'm doing this because my father is threatening me don't think that I love someone other than you because that would never happen tae your my soul mate and I will always belong to you"

He smiled and kissed my lips before he pinched my arm "yah! what was that for?! "

"For scaring me next time tell me the whole story before you say some shit like that and what are you gonna do I know there's something we can work out I won't let your father do this to you or us I love you kookie"

I smiled and put our forheads together I'm happy that I found a love like this someone who would fight alongside me no matter the cost but no we can't do it that way my father promised to ruin my life and theirs I could care less about mines it's just I don't want others to suffer because of a stupid decision I made

"I love you too hyung so don't worry I have a plan"

That's only if it works

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