Chapter 22: Is It Too Late To Say Sorry

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"Jimin wait stop I don't want him to know lets just forget it and take me home" taehyung tried to change his mind and convince him they were already at the jeon building and jimin swore that he was going to make jungkook suffer like he did

"Im sorry but you cant-" jimin grabbed the same assistant that jungkook snapped on the last time he was there by the collar of his Gucci shirt "listen up seyoung because i'm not gonna ask twice where the fuck is jeon jungkook give me answers or i swear to god I'll burn this motherfucker to the ground"

Seyoung pointed in a direction "t-the room with the models" after he said that jimin let him go and stormed off "im sorry about that" taehyung said before he followed after the angry boy jimin was seriously terrifying when he was angry

He barged through the door making it slam catching everyone off guard "everyone out of the room unless you want to witness a fucking murder!" The girls scattered like roaches when you turn the lights on jungkook stood there confused as to why they both were there

"Hyung what are you doing here i th-" jimin slapped jungkook he was disgusted by his brother especially after taehyung told him the whole story of what happened "how could you you swore to protect taehyung but then you broke that promise and abandoned him and your fucking baby like you did the first time you piece of shit i raised you better than that"

"What do you mean by baby im in marks life now" jimin looked at taehyung waiting for him to say something "tell him before i do it for you" taehyung didn't want to say it he didn't those words to come out of his mouth its not like he would care anyway

"Jimin lets go forget about it" he said again he was done with this conversation

"No you tell him taehyung tell him about how your pregnant again with his child no more avoiding conversations stand up for yourself" jungkook was astonished another baby him and taehyung were having a child again

"It was your fault he tried to kill himself yeah he was in the hospital because of what you said to him" now jungkook was guilty he didn't know what he did he didn't know about tae being in the hospital

"Is this true hyung did you really try to kill yourself" tears started to flow out of jungkooks eyes he was a monster he hurted the one person he loved the most he didn't mean to he wanted to keep taehyung out of his problems he didn't want him to get affected but jungkook was the one who affected him the most

He hugged taehyung crying onto his shoulder "im sorry i didn't mean to hurt you what all i said was a lie i love you more than anything you are my everything i broke up with you because i thought it would be better if i didn't get you caught up in my mess and what did i do hurt you im so fucking stupid please forgive me"

Taehyung cried as well holding onto the younger boy "i love you too kookie but this wont work what we have wont last you have to marry eunha or your father will mess everything up like he already has"

"Um i think i may be of help with your tiny problem" everyone looked at seyoung who was just standing there cluelessly

"Well dont just stand there mate tell us how you can help us" seyong motioned them to sit down what he was about to do was risky but he hated what jicheol was doing it wasn't right he should be happy that his son found love

"Well i have information that could put your father away for many years in prison see your father has been stealing money from jeon corps for many years how do you think he's been paying for all those cars and houses jungkook before you came to work here your father was broke he almost had to file bankruptcy that's why he went back for you not because he wanted to bonded but because he was in desperate need of money" kookie frowned he knew his father was a bad man and just hearing that made him hate him more than he already did

"What do we do? How do we get this news out to the public" seyoung smiled "well i have all of the information all we have to do is get him to admit what he's done if we do that there will be no trial that would be more than enough evidence"

"I'll do it" taehyung stood up "I'll get your father to admit it dont worry kooks I'll fix this you dont have to worry about this all by yourself anymore"

"Wait tae this is risky how would you get him to do it? You know he hates you especially since your the reason that jungkook rebels against him" taehyung smiled he knows that and that was a good thing his father hated him because after what he was about to do was going to make him hate him more

"Dont worry chim i know what I'm doing just know no man could resist kim taehyung"

Jungkook chuckled so did seyoung he just hope his plan would work he didnt care about losing his job anymore "good because you have a week to do so before he leaves to japan for the rest of the year so get to work kim"

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