Chapter 21: Wide Awake

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"Hyung whats a soulmate?" Jungkook said to taehyung as he cuddled him in his lap which was rare at night they were alone in his bedroom jungkook couldn't sleep he was always scared of thunder storms

"Well to me i think a soulmate is someone who is connected to you on a more spiritual level, someone that you can't live without a person where when you see them you automatically feel happiness and when they leave you even for one second you feel nothing but loneliness a person that you want to spend forever with even though forever doesn't exist i guess you can say a person you love more than anything even yourself "jungkook giggled the six year old would love it when taehyung would talk he loved his hyungs voice

"Then that means hyung is my soulmate" taehyung blushed and looked down at him what did he mean by that

Jungkook sat up and held taehyung's face and he never knew that someone could ever be so beautiful this was the first time he actually looked at jungkook and he didn't regret it "because kookie loves you more than anything and i want to spend more than forever with you I believe it does exits when i look at you tae tae"

Taehyung smiled and gave jungkook a innocent peck to his much smaller lips smiling at the little ones reaction to it "you know jungkook someday someones gonna be the luckiest person in the world to have you by their side never forget that you are more than just special"

Jungkook smiled brightly and kissed taehyung again "can you sing me for like you use to?"

"Yes i can baby"

"Taehyung can you hear me?" He heard a soft voice call out to him when he looked up jungkook was no longer in his lap his room was empty nothing was in there but pictures of them on all of his walls

There were pictures that weren't even tooken some were just his memories from now and in the past and it just made him cry kookie wasn't his anymore he didn't want taehyung no one did he was nothing, pathetic like he the younger boy said

He touched one picture the picture of them when they were laughing together they looked so happy why did it have to end up like this

"Taehyung please wake up" he heard again it was the little voice in his head he was awoke why did they keep saying wake up

"Who's there! What do you want from me" he screamed he wanted to leave his room but the door was locked he tried the windows too but that didn't work either

"Tae baby wake up we need you" after that was said the room caught on fire he couldn't escape he was trapped so he laid onto the bed and closed his eyes waiting for death to take him maybe now he could wake up

He woke up body covered in sweat the brightness blinded him a bit there where many voices surrounding him where is he "tae oh my god" when his eyes adjusted to the light the first person to hug him was jimin and when he looked at him he felt guilty because jimin looked like a mess his hair was all over the place his face was covered in tears and he had the darkest black circles under his eyes you could tell he didn't get any sleep

"Min w-what am i doing here" my voice was scratchy my throat hurted and my stomach was growling how long was i in this hospital bed

"Y-you died i watch you die taehyung you weren't breathing and your heart i didn't know what to do it was all my fault I could've lost you tae" taehyung hugged him tightly letting jimin cry as much he needed did he really die that night? Was that dream his paradise or his hell?

"M-mommy" mark said when he walked into the hospital room with haodong he dropped his ice cream and ran to taehyung hugging him tightly he was scared he thought he lost his mommy too

Haodong was trying so hard not to cry in front of taehyung he wanted to be strong especially for jimin and mark "mark baby im so sorry mommy did a stupid thing i promise i wont do this again please dont hate me" taehyung started to cry why would he do this what he did was really stupid and he didn't think of what would happen with everyone else he was selfish thinking of himself

"I will never hate you mommy no matter what you do i love you more than anything"

"Kookie love you more than anything" hearing those words replay in his head made him cry harder his eyes searched for him around the room but he wasn't there taehyung was stupid for even thinking he would care

"Where is he!"baekhyun walked into the hospital with a panicked look on his face there was a tall man behind him who looked familiar and a little girl "oh my god tae jimin called me crying i didnt know what happened im so sorry i wasn't there"

Taehyung smiled and opened his arms for baekhyun to hug him "it was non of you guys fault i was in a bad place at that time ok it was my fault for being stupid but enough of this baek who is this?"

Baekhyun smiled and blushed before he held chanyeols hand "this is my fiancé chanyeol and this is our daughter sangha" when taehyung heard the mans name he instantly looked at jimin who seemed that he was far from ok

"Come on hyung I'll buy you all the ice cream you can eat or anything you want" haodong said to jimin which made the tears he was holding back go away but before they could leave the doctor came into the room

"Good your awake please everyone take a seat so i can tell you about his condition" they all did as the doctor asked hoping and praying taehyung was really ok

"Mr kim your lucky that you were ok at first we thought you wouldn't make it because you flatlined many times but thats besides the point its a miracle your here especially since we saved the baby" everyone went silent did he just say baby?

"Wait say that again did you say baby? What baby I'm not pregnant" taehyung said before he sat up he cant be pregnant again

"Yes mr kim your two months pregnant congratulations I'll give you all time to process the good news oh and your free to go" after the doctor said that he left the room everyone just sat there thinking taehyung didn't know what to feel anymore should he be happy that he's pregnant with jungkooks child again or should he be depressed because he knows that even if he tries to tell jungkook that he wouldn't care

"Taehyung get dressed because it's official that I'm going to fucking kill my brother"

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