Chapter 4: Misunderstanding

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Jungkook was laying in the bed with taehyung it was early in the morning they stayed up all night talking about any and everything last night was crazy especially since taehyung knew his secret he made the older boy promise him not to tell anyone but taehyung agreed as long as jungkook quits that awful job

Taehyung was the first to wake up staring at jungkooks flawless face he was more angelic when he didn't wake up he touched the transparent scar which he got when him and baekhyun were younger that day they were fighting over kookies iron Man action figure

Next thing you know taehyung kissed his cheek smiling at the younger boy when he stirred around in his sleep he was just so cute "kookie-ah" he whispered before he kissed his forehead and ruffled his hair

"Let me sleep a bit more hyung" jungkook said before he turned on his side taehyung giggled and started to play with his ears proceeding to wake the younger boy up

"Kookie wake up I'm bored" taehyung nuzzled his face into his neck waking jungkook up he started to giggle and cuddle taehyung he didn't mind waking up early in the morning if it was to something as sweet as this but what they didn't know was jungkooks boyfriend was standing at the bedroom door watching them both

"Um what's going on here?" Wonho said clearly annoyed at what was going

"Baby! I didn't know you were here" jungkook got out of the bed and picked up wonho kissing all over his face and lips which made taehyung pouted a little was this kookies boyfriend?

"Yah! Kook put me down you know I'm scared of heights and you didn't Answer my question" jungkook put wonho down as he crossed his arms looking at both of them for a explanation

"Hello I'm taehyung you must be kookies boyfriend nice to meet you" taehyung smiled fakely because he wasn't happy at all with his presence which bothered him a lot because he didn't know why he was acting like this

Wonho eyes widened then he looked at jungkook and taehyung back and fourth "jungkook can I have a word with you alone"

"Sure hyung can you give us minute" taehyung left the room and sat on the living room couch waiting for them to finish talking but he had a bad feeling because deep down he didn't like jungkooks boyfriend

"Hey tae tae what happened to you yesterday why did you leave me at the club all alone" jimin sat on his lap like old times pouting because that whole night some drunk guy wouldn't stop flirting with him

"Sorry chim something came up i promise to make it up to you" jimin hugged him and laid on his shoulder something he always did to get comfortable and it was driving taehyung crazy

Jungkook came downstairs hair messier than it was and a couple of hickeys on his neck so did wonho but he had more hickeys than jungkook "oh hey minnie I haven't seen you in a while tell your mother I miss her cooking"

"Wonho! hey and you should come along with me and taehyung today he promised me to take me out oooh this can be like a double date!" Jimin said excitedly jungkook looked at taehyung who seemed to be dying in side but really he was mad because he didn't want jungkooks boyfriend around

"Sure I wouldn't mind we should all go out tonight wouldn't that be fun baby" jungkook smiled and kissed his boyfriends cheek agreeing to it and well taehyung wanted to say no but he couldn't he already invited jimin out so he couldn't call the whole thing off

"Great I know a friend who's having a house party tonight we could all go" jimin said excitedly

Taehyung wanted to just take jungkook away from wonho he didn't trust him he didn't want to trust him and he especially didn't want him to hurt jungkook so he had to be cautious

"Ok I'll be here later to pick you guys up see yah oh and kookie wear something sexy baby" wonho winked and slapped jungkook ass before he left

"Now that is a man" Baekhyun said while eating his matcha pockies watching wonho wall out of the door taehyung slapped him on the back of the neck

"Shut up and come help me set the table" taehyung said to Baekhyun Haodong was already in the kitchen eating all of the food jimin and jungkook chuckled

After they ate jungkook pulled taehyung upstairs to get ready "hyung are you excited for tonight? I mean your going to a party with minnie hyung and you know what happens at parties" he knew what happened at parties kids would get drunk and have sexual relations but he didn't want jungkook to drink or do any of that especially with wonho

"Is this really a good idea I mean I'm not a fan of parties" jungkook nodded and went through the closet picking out his and taehyungs clothes tonight he had to help taehyung with jimin since he ruined their date the other day

"Here put this on I'll go get Baekhyun so he can do your make up like last time" jungkook left out of the room taehyungs grabbed the clothes it was some black ripped jeans with a black blazer to match and some type of crop toppy shirt that was black also but he also had this choker that was netted

Baekhyun came into the room and gasped "Wow kookie I'm impressed you did good with the outfit and jimin said he needs your help so go on" jungkook smiled and nodded leaving them alone he got in position like last time waiting for Baekhyun to finish his make up and when he was done he wanted to kiss him because he looked flawless like some type of gucci model

Jungkook came back into the room dressed as well he also had on ripped jeans but they were white then he had on a big oversized button up that was black and it showed off his chest and collar bones he also had on a diamond choker that covered up his hickeys which taehyung didn't notice till now his make up was light yet ethereal

"Hyung are you ready" he said to taehyung smiling

And all taehyung could think about was how bad this night might end up he only hopes it doesn't

"Coming kookie"

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