Chapter 8: We Need To Talk About Jungkook

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"Boys!" I heard my mother shout from the living room me and jimin stopped cuddling and went downstairs to what was all the ruckus when we got down there minnies mother and a man were standing there he looked just like jungkook and a bit sketchy

He had raven hair, a handsome face and a suit on he was a bit awkward and he seemed shy "mom who is this?" Jimin asked his mother scratched the back of her neck unsure if she should say anything

The man smiled and thats when i instantly knew who he was he had the same smile as jungkook "hello minnie its been a long time you've grown over the years" jimin frowned still confused with everything

"Boys this is jicheol jungkooks biological father" baekhyun gasped dramatically then sipped his tea this was some juicy shit happening

"Father huh where were you when kookie needed you when our mother was broke and she had to sell half of the furniture in the house huh? Some father you are!" Jimin shouted i held him back from doing something he was going to regret later

"Jim baby stop and listen to what he has to say this might be a good oppurtunity for kookie" i said softly to calm him down but most importantly i wanted to know what and why he was doing here also

"Boys lets all go into the living because well.. we need to talk about jungkook" taeyoung said

We all sat down my mother took baekhyun and haodong out so it was just the four of us "i dont know how to say this but back when jungkook was a baby me and his father made a deal that when kookie would become eighteen that cheol would come and take jungkook back to busan with him"

"You cant take kookie away from us!" I said loudly i didn't know what took over me but hearing that this man was going to take my kookie away made me want to kill him

"Tae's right mom plus kookie isn't eighteen yet so you cant take him until another year"

"I know but jimin me and your mother established that i could take him now where is he i dont want to miss our train back"

"No! This is crazy you cant just take him now please give us a week to at least say goodbye to him" i said trying to convince him but he could care less

As we were talking the sound of the front door opening halted our conversation jungkook walked in with his book bag looking at all of us confused "mom? I thought you said you werent coming back untill another month and who is this? Whats going on?"

"My son there you are you look so grown up " jicheol stood up and walked to jungkook giving him a big hug

"Son? Excuse me sir but i think that your mistaken my father is dead" jicheol glared at taeyoung as she laughed nervously

"Kookie um your father never died and the man that your hugging is your father" jungkook eyes widened he didnt know what to say nor feel its like his emotions broke he only came home to ask baekhyun if he wanted to go to the club he didnt know he would come to some bullshit

"Jimin go get him some water here kookie come take a seat because you really need one" his mother helped him sit down gently while rubbing his back to console him"i know this is alot to take in honey so please breathe and ask me as much questions you need to"

"W-why did you lie to me huh! Why did you tell me that my father died in a car accident and why did you come back after all these years of knowing i grew up without a father figure!"

"Because i, i was bitter and miserable since your father chose his work over us i didnt want you to be sad that he wasnt in your life" taeyoung tried to explain but jungkook wouldnt listen

"Dont blame your mother jungkook its all my fault your grandfather was dying and i was next in line to take over the company but now its your turn and i guarantee that if you take over you can help your mother and jimin with money problems all you have to do is come to busan with me"

Jimin came back with the water and handed it to jungkook the younger downed the water "i-i cant do this right now im leaving" but before he could leave his father grabbed him by the arm

"Kookie just think about it please i need you without you my company will fall apart plus i want us to bond i want to make up for all the years i wasn't here to make memories with you"

"Get out both of you i dont want to see your faces right now" he spat out words laced with venom his mother understood and just took his father with her

"Shit tae i have to go taemin and kai need me down at the dance studio promise me you'll make jungkook feel better" jimin said to me

"I promise baby now go so you can come back to me" he giggled and kissed my cheek before he left us alone

Shit what do i do now?

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