Chapter 6: Apologies And Lies

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The sun was shining directly in jungkooks face his head was pounding and he felt like crying because the only man he actually loved would never love him yeah he said he wanted to make taehyung his and that he wouldn't give up but maybe that's that right thing to do why chase false hope? When you could always find someone else to give your time

He looked on the side to see taehyung cuddling him with a smile on his face and that was the reason why he could never let go the reason why his heart wanted to love the man laying next to him so much he really hated that he was dumb in love "good morning kookie how are you feeling?"

Like his world is ending thats what he wanted to say but instead he said "im fine Taehyung" tae sat up because jungkook would only call him that if something was wrong but he didnt want to pry it wasnt his place to

"Do you remeber anything from last night" a question jungkook was hoping he didnt ask him

"No could you refresh my memory please" that was a lie jungkook remembers everything from when they caught wonho until they started kissing he could remember how taehyung moaned and called out his name how sweet he tasted on his tongue and especially how he begged him not to stop but it was all in the moment and he doesn't want to mess up things between them more than he already has

Taehyung blushed "you umm you kissed me That's about it you first kiss stealer" Jungkook chuckled he was grateful that taehyung chose not to bring up what happened

"Im sorry hyung how about you take it back" taehyung blushed even more how do you take a kiss back?

"B-but how?"

"Kiss me first silly" taehyungs heart was beating like crazy something he always felt with jimin and that wasnt good but he sat up pulling jungkook a bit closer looking at him for permission before he kissed him softly

At first it was sweet but then it turned passionate as jungkook held his face to deepen it they needed to stop this is bad taehyung ws starting to catch feelings for jungkook which wasnt good especially for jungkook since he was trying to get over him

Baekhyun walked in but didnt say anything he didnt want to ruin the moment then again he had to take a  picture because this was a rare opportunity since taekook never kissed but what he forgot to do was turn his flash off

Taehyung pushed Jungkook away from him and looked up at Baekhyun like a deer caught in headlights "baek! Don't tell anybody about this not even jimin we were just playing"

"I wont say anything i promise i just came to tell you two that were about to go grocery shopping if you want to come" taehyung jumped up and hurriedly put on some pants then he  grabbed his jacket and left the room jungkook just shook his head no and laid onto his bed

Once they left he couldn't help but let the tears he was holding in out he needs to stop this torture he needs to ignore taehyung to get over him but why was it hard

Enough of this he sat up and wiped his tears calling someone he thought he would never have to call ever again

"Hello? Its me jungkook listen um... i-i need you"


"Tae is there something wrong" his mother asked him but was there something wrong with him he didnt know why he felt like this

"Nothing mom dont worry" he said before she walked ahead with bakehyun who was puting any and everything into the cart while jimin was putting some of the things back

"Tae tae hyung" haodong said to him

"Yes dong?"

"You love him dont you" taehyung stopped walking and looked his brother then pulled him into the tissue isle

"Wait how did you know?"

"Its quite obvious the way you look and worry about him and how he looks at you i would say that jungkook is in love with you too" what? Jungkook

"No dong i love jimin" haodong frowned then shook his head

"You cant love minnie because he doesn't love you jungkook is the one for you even Baekhyun and mom ship you guys together"

"I dont care i love jimin i will always love jimin i would never love jungkook in that type of way to me he's just my little brother and nothing more"

"Brothers dont flirt with each other nor do they hold hands and stare at each other as if they were their worlds and i sure as hell know that they dont stick their tongues down eachothers throats if anything jimin is the little brother when it comes to jungkook"

Taehyung wanted to cry because he was right but then again he didnt want to love jungkook he didnt want that to happen between them "i-im so confused " he said with tears blurring his vision he wanted to talk to jungkook about everything that happened at that party especially what jungkook said

Haodong hugged him and patted his back "hyung dont cry i promise you'll figure something out"

Taehyung hopes so because he didnt come back home for this all he wanted was jimin

Not feelings for his little brother


Jungkook stood infront of a door he hasn't seen in a while his hands were shaking scared to knock on the door but he didnt have to because the door swung open "hello kookie its been a long time"

"Too long June may i come in" junhoe moved out of the way letting jungkook in

"Make yourself comfortable while i go get the tea" jungkook sat on the white sofa looking around his house didnt change one bit way before wonho he fell in love with someone other than taehyung and that was june

But june was way too older for them to be together so they went through many trials and errors then eventually they had to break up it was painful and jungkook swore not to love anyone ever again because everyone he's ever loved abandoned him but its not like junhoe wanted to he had to for the sake of jungkooks future

Junhoe came back into the living room setting down the tea tray pouring him and jungkook some tea "so what brings you here i know its not because you miss me"

"Well theres something I've been thinking a long time now and well we should get back together" june almost wasted his tea he was happy that jungkook wanted to get back together then again he was sad because jungkook wasn't telling him the whole truth

He sat down his tea and un loosened his tie before he went to sit in jungkooks lap "tell me the real reason why your here and maybe I'll reconsider it"

Jungkook gripped his hips and looked up at June's handsome face something that was always mesmerizing to him "he's back.....t-taehyung came back"

June understood completely this was the reason why they got together the first time but they ended up falling in love with all strings attached "I'll take you back but under one condition"

Jungkook tilted his head waiting for him to tell him what he had to do he would do anything to get over taehyung he was tired of this unrequited love

"Move in with me"

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