Chapter 12: I Feel Like Gucci Baby

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"Mr Kim smile please" The camera man said to him he did as he was instructed staring into the mirror right in front of him and all he could see was nothing but unhappiness he smiled yet that smile was nothing but a lie

"Let's take five taehyung" Taehyung stood there still staring into the mirror the fake smile no longer present on his face until he felt little hands grab his legs he turned around and smiled picking up his son giving him kisses all over his face

"Mommy! You look pretty" Mark yelled out and giggled when taehyung kept kissing him it's ironic how he had a son and your probably wondering how this happened

Well after Jungkook left taehyung started not to feel the same anymore he even fainted while he was at work so jimin drove him that day was the day he found out he was pregnant and the only man that ever touched his body was Jungkook

But that was also the day he met Lee Minho the doctor that would not take no as a answer at first he would flirt with taehyung which he never paid any mind to since he loves jungkook but he can't wait forever it's been four years and he still hasn't heard anything from the younger

He would send pictures of mark and letters but he never got a response back so he moved on and now he's living happily with his son mark and Minho

Well he thinks hes happy he wants to be happy hell he even forces himself to be happy but a part of him is empty and theres only one thing that can fill that void of emptiness inside of him

"Baby are you ok you spaced out again" Minho said to him before he pecked his lips he loved that Minho was gentle with him but he wasn't Jungkook he wasn't want he craved and ached for what he hoped for at night he was just a useless distraction

Taehyung hated himself for using Minho like this but he also hated that he still loved Jungkook and couldn't stop himself even if he tried he would love Jungkook in any and every dimension till the end of time

"I'm fine min but what are you guys doing here I'm not done with the photoshoot yet"

"Minho hyung wanted to surprise you did we surprise you mommy" Mark smiled brightly which made taehyung smile he was too much like Jungkook especially in looks

"Yes baby you did but please wait until I'm done then we can go out for ice cream and food ok"

"Promise" Mark said before he held out his small finger

"I promise baby" Taehyung said before he just intertwined their Pinky's

He was thankful for his son he loved him to the fullest he was his sanity his reason of living a source of his happiness life wouldn't be the same if mark didn't exist this was the only thing that was close to Jungkook he had

"Mr Kim ready when you are" The camera man said waiting for him to get back into position

"Wait for me ok boys I'll be back in a moment" Taehyung walked to the mirror staring into it this was him and this was his life now might as well fake it till he make it

"Smile for me" He was tired of hearing that he was tired of faking his smile for the camera he was tired of being the pretty and perfect person he has to be for the media he wanted to be himself he wanted to be happy with Jungkook again

"That's it for the rest of the day good job taehyung" Taehyung nodded and walked towards Minho and Mark but before he could his manager stopped him

"Taehyung you have a interview with Jeon corps remember in three weeks you'll be the only male model there all please keep in shape and please when we go there be a good boy I don't want things to end badly like they did with your last agency" Taehyung just nodded acting as if he was ok with this deal but in reality he would get to see Jungkook again

And he wonders if he would be happy to see him or happy with someone else "Mommy! let's go Minho said he'll take us to see the puppies after"

"Coming baby" He'll just have to find find out when he sees him only time could tell what would happen between the two

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