Chapter 17: Scandalous

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"So this is taehyung wow you are right he really is pretty hello I'm eunbi but just call me eunha"

"Nice to to meet you and let me make this clear jungkook is mines" Eunha chuckled and pinched both of his cheeks

"Don't worry love jungkook is all yours plus he isn't the type of guy I would fall for he's too bratty for me but anyways kook what did you want me to come over for" Before he could explain he heard a knock on the door

"I'll explain when I come back" He walked to the door and opened when he saw who it was he smiled brightly and welcomed that person in

"Kyung?  What are you doing here" Eunha was a blushing mess if this is how she acted around him all the time how could he be so dense to know what she feels about him

"Well jungkook called me over the phone and told me that you had to tell me something we'll at first I thought it was a scam but when he described what you looked like I had to know if you were in danger"

"I-im fine um kookie can we use your bedroom to talk for a a second"

"Sure just don't do anything on the bed it's not clean yet and even if it was i still wouldn't let you crazy kids use it" She playfully punched jungkook and led him upstairs

"Wait what was all of that about I thought we were gonna go over the plan you had" Taehyung said getting up and climbing into my lap

"Let them talk if this go well he may be apart of my plan also" Taehyung nodded then attacked me with kisses

I just hope their talk goes how I pictured it


The room was quiet eunha was scared the words she wanted to say were stuck in her throat and her mouth refused to open it was hard to confess to a person you loved forever "is something wrong?  Did I do something wrong because these past few days you won't talk to me you've been avoiding my calls and I just don't understand what can I do to fix this I miss us,  I miss you telling me about your day and your smile I just miss everything about you"

Her heart was racing she missed him two she missed their morning and bedtime time talks she missed going up to his job just to drop him off lunch and cupcakes she made for his coworkers she missed how close they were the most stupidest thing she could've done was distance herself "you didn't do anything it's all my fault please forgive me kyungie i-ive been going through a lot these past few days"

He put his hand on her thigh and gave her a comforting look so she could relax and tell him what was bothering  her maybe he could help her through it "tell me about it,  talk to me"

"I'm getting married to jungkook" Kyung didn't know why his heart felt like it was getting stabbed over and over again he didn't know why his hands we're balled in fist or why he was angry in the first place 

"What?!  Is this why he called me over here just so you could brag about your marriage why didn't you tell me eunbi!  I can't believe this" He said going across the room trying not to punch anything eunha wanted to cry the only time  he called her by her first name meant that he was disappointed in her

When he heard her sniffle his anger went away it wasn't his place to get mad in the first place it's not like she belonged to him "eunha im sorry please dont cry i was just mad that you were getting married and didnt tell me you were in a relationship i-i should leave" he said before walking towards the door but he couldn't leave yet she wasn't done talking

"No stay the reason I never told you was because my father is making me do this me and jungkook don't love each other and i.. well i-im in love with you kyung"

He walk to her and picked her up hugging her tightly words couldn't describe what he felt "you love me? When did you start? Why do you love me? And why didn't you tell me eunha" he asked

She giggled and kissed his forehead "listen we can talk about that later right now jungkook needs us to help him get out of this marriage come on lets go back downstairs"


"Ok now that you two are done talking the first part of this plan is me and eunha being a couple we have to act like we're in love wherever we go" kyung frowned but nodded this was all for her and he would do anything for the girl he loved

"After that the engagement party is coming up now this is where things get real taehyung i want you  to make an appearance you are one of the newest models at my company so wear some seductive and sexy" taehyung smiled he liked where this plan was going

"Kyung you will perform at the engagement party me and eunha will get into an argument because me and taehyung where dancing on the dance floor together and she lnows about our past relationship" eunha smiled she loved putting on a show

"As we argue kyung will break it up and take eunha away make sure her father sees the two of you tae you'll pull me into the hallway and kiss me we have to make sure someone is watching us and following us so the picture can get out and start a scandal"

"But if we dont get caught kyung you have to declare your love for eunha in front of her father try to convince him that she should marry you and if that doesn't work cause a scene get back on stage and tell everyone how you feel about her oh and tell them about me cheating on her with my new model"

"Wow kookie you are scandalous im for sure this plan will work" eunha said happily she hoped it would work

"Thats the thing what if it doesn't work? What do we do next" taehyung asked concerned

"Kyung has to take intimate photos of me and taehyung thats apart of plan b if you cant do the stage thing or tell her father then sell our photos to the highest bidder and tell them about us"

"And if that dont work?" jungkook chuckled and kissed taehyung

"Then we make our love known at the wedding"

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