Chapter 11: Mr Jeon.

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The sky was something that was so mesmerizing it reminded jungkook of many things like how beautiful life and everything in the world was then again it reminded him of his unhappiness and the love he thinks about everyday of his long miserable life

He misses taehyung he misses home and he wishes that he could go back every second but he couldn't go back his father needs him especially since he's very sick now there's nothing he could do about that

"Mr Jeon? The people from Vogue magazine are here to interview you" His secretary minha said to him he was tired of interviews he was really tired of smiling through his pain he wanted to vent but who could he vent to when he has no one to relate or talk to

"Ok I'll be out in a minute" Voice soft yet cold demeanor perfessional yet masking the person he really is inside

He walked out of his office and into the conference room fixing his tie before he went in "ah Mr Jeon my name is sarah and I will be interviewing you"

He smiled and shook her hand "that's great but call me Jungkook you make me sound old when you call me mr Jeon" sarah blushed and tucked some hair behind her ear Jungkook had that affect on people

"Please take a seat get comfortable would you like anything to drink? "

"O-oh no that's ok let's get straight to the interview if that's ok with you sir"

Jungkook sat down in front of her waiting for her to start so he can get on with these questions and his life "so Jungkook how does it feel to be the youngest and most successful ceo of the modeling agency"

"It's actually something I'm proud of I'm happy that I get to give people hope like our models who want to achieve their dreams when I was younger I had no idea i would end up doing something like this but I did and I don't regret it one bit"

"Good so how is your love life if you don't mind me asking someone as successful as you has to have a lover helping you on the sidelines" Lover Jungkook wish that was so simple to have the person he loves by his side

"Well it's not what I want it to be working at a place like this makes you feel lonely sometimes and I haven't found that someone yet well i did but it's complicated" Sarah nodded and asked the next question so things would stop being awkward

"So what is your ideal type?"

"Well slim, broad shoulders soft sun kissed skin, blonde hair or silver maybe even red it depends, pretty boxy smile and beautiful auburn eyes, a deep voice and well a man"

Sarah eyes widened and her tongue clicked in disappointment Jungkook was laughing internally because he knew she would act like this every woman does when they find out his sexuality "well that's it for today Mr Jeon I'll be back to ask more questions"

"Yes and remember Sarah don't call me mr jeon, jungkook is better" She took in the words he said and left minha walked into the room laughing up a storm she was his only friend out in busan

"Did you see her face! You damn near gave the poor girl a heart attack it's sad that they think they have a chance with you" She said hysterically

"I love making them leave i hate doing those boring interviews but father says it's apart of what we do"

"Yeah he's right but I came in here to tell you that the model from daegu will be here in three weeks ok please don't scare him off like you did all those journalists"

"Wait him? What do you mean when did this happen all the models here are all woman" And that was something Jungkook hated as well

"He's the king of gucci everyone said he had to work with us even the fans if we don't then we might loose sales so he'll be here in the next three weeks and play nice kookie I'm tired of your father yelling my ear off"

"Yeah minha I'll play nice"

For now


This chapter and the next one are going to be short because they are filled chapters to show you guys what happened to then in the next couple of years but after the next chapter I'll make the chapters longer again so read on my loves 💕

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