Chapter Five: The Neighbors

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The scribbling on a piece of paper, a collection of notes and observations being written by the squeaking pen. The constant 'How are you', 'Why do you feel that way' and lastly, but most definetally the worst, 'You're strong enough to get through this.' That's all I would ever experience when seeing my therapist Veronica. As well as a silence, a silence so loud it was deafening.

I always thought that seeing a shrink would always be a point I would never get at, like a line I would never cross but, I guess not.

"Ok Alex, that's all for today." Veronica says tearing me away from my thoughts while taking off her glasses and closing her big red leathered notebook. "Finally" I replied flatly. "Alex please try, we all want you to move on from this." Veronica responded with the same worried tone I would get from Aunt Rose and anyone who knew my past "But can't you see, can't you all see that I'm not a piece of fragile glass running the risk of being shattered!" I exclaimed losing my temper and sanity. "Yes you're not, you're so much stronger than that, and that's why we all have faith in you." Veronica said calmly. "I have to go." I said cooling down and ending the conversation.

With that I started to quickly gather my things and was out the door in no time. As I passed the receptionist, the  therapists, and the endless amount of people in the lobby waiting to be helped, I noticed how so many people were troubled with their own never ending problems. It's truly a sore sight. Stopping the unnecessary thoughts, I walked out the front door. The cool September air envelopes me and all my senses which caused goose bumps to rise up all over my body.

I breathed in the fresh air and began my steps towards home but, all I could think about was how nobody could and would never understand how I was no where near broken. A therapist along with the constant visits to my school's counselor Ms. Needham were very much unneeded. I was just merely trying to get back on my feet. And I desperately needed to find peace and serenity that I so badly desired for my restless mind.

But I also couldn't help thinking about what had happened the day I officially met Nathaniel Montgomery. After, I had met up with Natalie and Adrianne in the cafeteria at our regular seats and when they brought up the conversation about the new guy again, I acted as if I was interested as well as if  I hadn't heard of or seen the new guy yet.

I ignored Natalie's and Adrainne's constant rant that included the usually girl going mad over the new hot guy speech. Then after that annoying conversation was over, I went back to my other boring classes and when school ended I rode back home with only Natalie because Adrainne had a doctor's appointment which meant she had left early.

Just a simple day for a simple girl. Well, except the whole Nate thing and what was weird to me was that I hadn't seen him for the rest of the day. Which I shouldn't care about but I couldn't help the constant tucking at my heart when I thought of him. Just my luck.

In all of my endless thinking, I hadn't noticed that I was standing directly infront of the medium sized white gate that lead to my house. I reached over to unlatch the gate and began my short walk up the pebbled cemented path towards my front door. I quickly stepped into my home and as soon as I did, the scent of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies had put me into a sugar induced trance and I had to satisfy my cravings immediately. I dropped my bag at the door and made a mad dash towards the kitchen, and just as I had suspected a huge plate with a neatly staked pile of cookies were sitting on my kitchen counter, waiting to be devoured.

I quickly rushed towards the plate and began to stuff my face with the delicious warm cookies.

"You know it probably would be a good idea to come up for air sometime soon." said a familiar voice in a mocking tone which chilled me to the bone and caused shivers to run over my body all at the same time.

I slowly turned around to find myself standing right before the great Nathaniel Montgomery with a smirk etched on his beautiful face. Wait. What? His smile is far from beautiful.

Alex, why are you lying to yourself?

Be quiet you!

Just pointing out the obvious.

Well no one asked for your input thank you very much! Who even are you?!

Well I'm you, just...more intelligent.

Ha, funny!

Thanks! I try!

Go away!

"Hey sweetheart" Nate laughed because of the chocolate smudges on my face making my cheek burn a deep red in embarrassment.

I swallowed the leftover bits of cookie in mouth and cleared my throat. "um, what are you doing here?" I asked with confusion clearly written on my face.

He suddenly stopped laughing and became as serious as a rock. Is this guy bi-polar or is it just me. No, I think he just might be. He began to slowly walk towards me in a menacing way making me walk backwards in fear.

Why am I even afraid? I'm a grown woman! I thought.

No, you're not, you still sleep with a night light. That annoying voice  in my head answered.

Hey! I am far from annoying!

Why are you still here!

I'm your self-conscious, I have to be with you!

Then be silent!

As you wish your highness!

You're really infuriating!

You love me don't lie.

If that helps you sleep at night.

It does actually.

In a swift motion, he grabbed me tightly by the waist making my heart leap out of my chest and my breathing become heaving.

He's got to stop doing that.

Glad we agree on something.

Are we having a moment?


Why do you enjoy hurting me?

You're so dramatic.

Well I get it from you.


Even this battle in my head could not distract me from the man standing right in front of me.

He tightened his grip on me and had his face so close to mine that I could feel his breath fanning on my face, "Well sweetheart, i guess we'll be seeing more of each other." He whispered looking straight into my eyes. "Why is that exactly?" I questioned. "Let's just say I might be living next door to this lovely home." He smiled at me. "What?" I answered under my breath with surprise and shock written on my face. " I believe you heard me perfectly." He replied with assurance in his voice and another stupid smirk. Doesn't this guy ever stop smirking?

No, I don't think he does.

Good to know.



Hey my lovely readers. I know, i bet you all want to kill me for not updating for such a long time but i just had a really bad case of writers block but i'm back, baby! I'm so sorry for making you guys wait this long but i promise that i will start updating faster.


What do you think his alex's past or secret is all about?

Ohh! And if anybody whats to help me with a new cover for the story then message me and let me know if your interested.

Love you guys and please vote

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