Part 22

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Life is full of choices. Some are easy, some are the hardest to make. However, even if they are the hardest decisions we ever make, these choices help us build our life. They help us build who we are and what we make out of ourselves. People say that everyones view is different. Some may think you are the best person in the world, while others will constantly look down on you and criticize every second of your life. You choose who's options and views create you. 

You are the leader and you choose who fights in you army, nobody else. We may be raised with our parents make our decisions for us, however thats just the first 20 years of our lives, to many much less. They are the blueprints of the rest of your life. They are the foundation that start the construction of yourself. They are the ones who show you multiple paths, and shine lights on the ones they hope you'll choose. They saw you life through their lives, for they have many years of experience over us. They guide us through life through the experiences they have, and try to help us avoid the mistakes they made when they were us. However, no matter how much influence our parents have on us, we eventually grow apart from the safety net and enter the real world. 

We are alone, we may have friends, relationships, partners, significant others, however we are alone in this world. Nobody goes through the same exact experiences we go through, even if they may seem like they do they dont. Nobody is the same, everyone in this world is as unique as we all strive to be. We are ourselves, and our choices is what make us who we are. 

The choices we make are the building blocks in the skyscraper we call ourselves. We make bad decisions to learn from them, to know that this choice and anything that played a part in it is not a good path to go through. We are raised thinking our parents are perfect and that we will grow up becoming them, however we cant and won't. We are not our mothers we are not our fathers, we are ourselves and no matter how much we may feel like we disappoint them we are just creating our path of life. 

We choose what to believe, what career path we are apart of, we choose what to wear, how to express ourselves and our parents cannot do that for us for too long. After a certain age they stop being our parents and become our friends, companions. They stop telling us we cant go here or there, monitoring who we see and what we do. When that time comes we begin the true path of life. And even though some choices we made before this moment may disappoint them, they will always love us and accept who we are. We should never fear the moment we tell them we failed at something, we should never fear the moment we tell them who we choose to love, or what we want to do that makes us happy. Even though it may seem like the scariest moment at that time, there will be worse. There will be worse things that will happen and when those things do happen. our parents may not be there to shine the light in the path that they seem is fitting.

Life is full or choices, that shape us into the person we want to be, its our choice to fear it, or to accept it.

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