Emotional Wreck

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You woke up before everyone else, with a huge smile on your face, this was your family and you had missed them badly. You slid from under the blanket you were sharing with Cameron and stepped outside, sitting down on the front steps, watching the sun come up. It was warm but there was a slight breeze tickling your neck. No one else was out of the houses, it was peaceful. 

After a while you heard the door creek open behind you and Daryl sat down beside you on the steps. 

"Morning" you greeted,

"Morning" he replied sounding groggy, "you're an early riser too huh?"

"Always have been" you smiled "get to take advantage of moments like this" you added gesturing to the tranquillity around you. 

"You wanna know where you can get a better view?" he asked smirking, you nodded intrigued, he took your hand and lead you back inside, you both crept up the stairs and into your room. You stopped in your tracks and looked at him questioningly.

"Trust me" he chuckled as he opened your bedroom window. He climbed out and clung to the ivy that hugged the house walls. You did the same, the bricks jutted out in places, making it easier to climb. You reached the roof and he pulled you up to the top. You sat down beside him at the highest point of the roof, he was right, you could see for miles and in the orange light of the rising sun, the world looked beautiful. 

"Wow" you gasped

"Told you" he smiled "There is still beauty in this world" you nodded, gazing at the scene in front of you, but he was looking at you, you ignored the way his eyes were burning in to you, you weren't ready to acknowledge any male attention. You weren't sure you ever would be, every small thing reminded you of Simon, he was everywhere and you loved it and hated it, all at the same time. 

You weren't sure how long you were sat there, in silence, just enjoying each other company.

"Daryl?" you asked,

"Yeah?" he replied in his husky voice, glancing at you through his hair.

"How do we get down?" you laughed, 

"Well that's the hard part" he smirked, you followed him to the edge of the roof as he climbed back down onto the ivy. You followed his lead, he was right, coming down was more difficult, you couldn't see where you were putting your feet. You miss a food hole and the Ivy in your hand snapped at the sudden increase in weight. You fell, hitting Daryl on the way down and landing on top of him in a heap on the grass. You both groaned in pain before bursting out laughing.

"Sorry" you laughed embarrassed. 

"Don't worry about it" he replied "it was a soft landing" he stood up and lifted you to your feet. You just stood there looking at each other for a couple of seconds. 

"Come on the others are probably waking up" you said turning to walk inside. You walked inside to find everyone still asleep. Daryl found some powdered eggs in the cupboard so you decided to make scrambled egg for their breakfast. Either the sound of pots banging or food cooking woke them up and everyone sat round the dining table watching you.

"God I've missed your cooking" Craig groaned as he ate his last mouthful.

"It's just egg" you laughed,

"Yeah but.." he put his hand across his mouth to pretend to whisper "Jess's eggs don't taste like that " she hit him across the head and you all laughed.

"We could come back now right?" Cameron piped up "I don't like the Sanctuary without Simon"

"We'll talk about it buddy" you told him, feeling everyone's eyes on you. He seemed happy with your answer and dropped the subject. 

You said your goodbyes to everyone and made your way back to the truck. Daryl walked you, Cameron climbed in the passenger side and you closed the door behind him. Daryl was perched on your bonnet, 

"Are you gonna be okay?" he asked as you walked round to him. 

"Yeah course" you smiled, he saw right through it.

"cut the bullshit" he sighed "you don't have to pretend with me"

"Daryl please don't do this right now" you replied, eyes pleading with him, you weren't going to be okay, going back to the Sanctuary where everything would remind you of Simon, where Negan would be, where Heather and Dwight would make you question, why him? You weren't going to be okay. He nodded and hugged you, waving at Cam as you climbed in the truck.

"See you around" he called, you just smiled in response and drove away. Cameron fell asleep on the drive back, giving you chance to be lost in your thoughts. You smiled to yourself as you remembered the drive to Hilltop when the three of you laughed and sang, the first night at the Sanctuary when you and Simon had finally given in to your feelings. Then the cold grey building came into view, you felt sick, he wasn't there anymore. 

"Where in the holy hell have you been?" Negan yelled as you climbed out of the truck,

"I told you, Hilltop" you sighed, not in the mood for him right now. 

"All fucking night?" he asked "That shit does not slide around here sweetheart" you froze at his choice of pet name,

"Don't you fucking call me that" you yelled surprising him, Simon called you sweetheart and he knew.

"Listen to me honey" he hissed pinning you against the side of the truck, "I will call you whatever I damn feel like and in case you haven't notice, we all have jobs to do around here, no exceptions" you didn't respond, you were just radiating pure hatred, "you work for me, but that isn't going to work if you refuse to talk to me" he hissed

"I can follow fucking orders without having to talk to you" you snapped "Now get your murderous hands off me" you could see in his eyes that you hit a nerve with that comment, but you were glad, he deserved it. He stepped away from you, looked like he was going to respond but thought better of it and walked away. 

You lifted a sleepy Cameron out of the truck and headed inside, it was only just past noon so unfortunately it was too early to shut yourself away in your room. You took Cam to his and left him to play while you went to find out what job it was you were supposed to be doing. 

You didn't even bother knocking, just walked into Negan's office and instantly regretted it. 

"So what job is it I'm supposed to be doi..." you stopped in your track, he was sat in his office chair, leaning back, eyes closed, moaning in pleasure as Sherrie's head bobbed up and down in his lap. "Right!" you scoffed and stormed out. 

"Ah shit" you heard him groan, clearly not happy you had walked in, followed by Sherrie's irritating giggle. You stormed down the stairs and out in to the courtyard, thankful for the breeze that hit you as you walked over to the picnic bench and sat down, head in your hands. You felt sick. You had no right to be pissed off but for some reason you were, your emotions were all over the place. You were confused and hurting and just didn't know what to do with yourself. 

The afternoon dragged, you patrolled the halls, doing everything in your power to avoid Negan. Once it was time to eat you took Cameron down to the canteen and sat at a table in the corner, far away from everyone. You could see Negan and Heather both trying to catch your gaze but ignored everyone except Cameron. 

He slept in his own bed which you were happy with, it meant he was okay, but it also meant you were alone, and that was worse. You tossed and turned all night, but every time you rolled over, you got a scent of Simon and your eyes pricked with tears. You missed him so much it made your entire body ache. 


Hey guys, don't know about you but I love this chapter.

comment and vote!

lots of love xx

How can I live without you (Sequel to Simon FanFic - Sleeping with the enemy)Where stories live. Discover now