Come back to me

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It had been 2 weeks, you and Ezekiel had grown close, you were sat on the steps in front of his chambers watching the sunset. You head on his shoulder. 

"It's so beautiful" you whispered

"You are" he replied, resting his head on top of yours.

"Ezekiel" you sighed,

"I know" he interrupted, you had resisted his charm this last 2 weeks, you knew how he felt about you, you could see it every time he looked at you. But you were staying loyal to Negan, as much as he hurt you, you were still his, but it was getting harder, you were lonely, the fact Negan hadn't come looking for you hurt. "I'm tired I shall turn in now"

"Wait" you whispered as he stood to leave, "I don't want to sleep alone anymore" you confessed, slightly embarrassed. He smiled and held out his hand, you took it and he pulled you to your feet.

"Then you shall lay with me" he replied kissing your hand. You blushed and followed him to his room, you hadn't been inside before, it was simple, a large double bed with white sheets, a few cabinets, and drawers. Ezekiel handed you one of his shirts to sleep in, you took it grateful you didn't have to sleep in your underwear. He turned around while you changed. You both climbed into bed, not a single word had been spoken, it didn't need to be. 

You didn't cuddle, nothing happened, you simply lay in bed next to each other. It was nice to have someone beside you, you fell asleep within minutes and slept through which hadn't happened for those 2 weeks. 

The following morning you woke up to Gerry banging on the door.

"The saviours are here" he announced, you glanced at Ezekiel, eyes wide, he only smiled.

"Shit" you whispered jumping out of bed and pulling on your jeans, you tucked Ezekiel's shirt in and fixed your hair. 

"Why are you so worried?" he asked as he buttoned up a blue shirt. 

"I don't know if he will be here" you explained "I haven't seen him since our fight I don't know what he will be like"

"Calm down my lady I'm here with you" he smiled, squeezing your hand. You took a deep breath and followed him outside, he was a few paces ahead of you when you approached the Saviours. You stopped in your tracks, there he was,  the sun danced over his leather jacket. A lump formed in your throat as he flashed a smile at the King, he hadn't noticed you yet. Every inch of your body wanted to run to him, but you resisted.

"What a good damn morning this is" you heard him greet Ezekiel

"Negan what a nice surprise" the king replied

"Well I have reviewed your offer of alliance and...." Negan's words caught in his throat as he finally noticed you. "Baby" his lips made the shape of the word but you didn't hear it, he thrust Lucille at the Saviour to his left and marched towards you as if to embrace you, you took a step back as he reached you, hurt and confusion flashing across his face. 

"So this is where you've been hiding" he whispered

"I'm not hiding" you replied, sounding harsher than you intended. He bit his lip, you couldn't decide if he was mad at your tone or turned on. 

"We need to talk" he sighed

"Do we?" you asked

"Baby don't be like this" he pleaded

"You have got to be fucking kidding me" you yelled, 

"Do not speak to me like that in front of my men" he hissed

"Sorry am I embarrassing you" you laughed "How do you think I felt turning up here in the middle of the night begging for shelter"

"Just come home with me and we will talk about this" he groaned

"There's nothing to talk about Negan" you hissed "you made your feelings about us pretty clear"

"Us?" Ezekiel interrupted, glancing down at your hand that was no caressing your stomach, "You're with child?" you nodded at him.

"I was upset" he sighed

"Welcome to my world" you scoffed 

"Looks like you've had someone to console you" he snapped, fingering the collar of your shirt, you pulled from his grasp.

"That's none of your business" you replied "You wanted me out of your life I'm gone" and you stormed inside. Tears streaming down your face as soon as you shut the door, you missed him so badly, but you couldn't forgive him so easy, he needed to know how much he hurt you.

From what you could hear outside, Negan had agreed to form an alliance with the Kingdom to an agreement of a third of their supplies. They would return in a week to collect. 

Ezekiel knocked on your door after they left. He let himself in, saw you crying and immediately pulled you into a hug. 

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was pregnant" you whispered as he stroked your hair, your head against his chest. 

"Don't be sorry" he replied, "Does Negan not want a child?"

"The opposite actually," you told him, explaining the whole story. 

"It takes a real man to raise someone else's child" he sighed, "but to be a family with you, the man is idiotic to throw that away, if you stay, I will be that man" 

"I don't know what I want right now" you sighed "I miss him, Ezekiel, I really do" 

"Then why didn't you go to him" he asked,

"Because its not just about me anymore" you replied rubbing your stomach. Ezekiel left after that, he had work to do but refused to le you continue working in your condition. You went for a stroll but soon returned to bed, as night began to fall you heard a knock on your door.

"Where shall you lay tonight?" Ezekiel asked, you wanted to be held, you didn't want to be alone, but seeing Negan had made you feel so guilty for sharing a bed with another man. 

"Ezekiel I don't want to give you the wrong impression" you sighed

"I know where your heart lies" he smiled "It's just company" you nodded and followed him to his room. 

"Hold me" you whispered as he turned out the light, you felt his gentle arms wrap around you and tuck you into him, the comfort he provided was nothing you had ever felt. 

"Sleep now sweet maiden" he whispered and you did, in his arms. 


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lots of love xxx

How can I live without you (Sequel to Simon FanFic - Sleeping with the enemy)Where stories live. Discover now