Time hop

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A few weeks later......

You had been living at the Sanctuary a few weeks now, for you and Cam it was like you had never been away, although you had more power now, you were Negan's right hand woman as well as lover and girlfriend. Jess and Craig had settled in nicely and taken up posts as Saviours in the trusted circle. 

The Sanctuary's numbers had taken a hit during the war but it brought the survivors closer together, everyone knew everyone, it felt like a proper community now. Negan had mellowed since you had agreed to be his and wasn't as much of a dictator. But at the same time, he hadn't needed to be. Rick and Maggie hadn't been seen anywhere near the Sanctuary since the war, but Ezekiel had approached in an attempt to change sides and become allies again. Negan didn't trust him and hadn't given him an answer yet, mainly because he didn't like the way the king was around you. He wasn't discrete in his admiration of you, and Negan had noticed you blush whenever he made comments to you. 

You were on your way there, you, Negan, Craig, and Jess, you wanted to see if Ezekiel was any different on his home turf. You hadn't seen Jess and Craig so happy since before the Saviours came into your lives. You hadn't been this happy since the day you moved into Simons room. Cameron was at the Sanctuary on watch with Heather. Life was good. 

Negan rested his hand on your thigh as he drove. 

"Hey hands where we can see them" Craig teased "I know what you two are like" you blushed and Negan giggled, sliding his hand higher before returning it to the steering wheel, making your breath hitch. You pouted at the loss of contact.

"Spoil sport" Negan shot back at Craig. You all laughed. 

"Hey Negan are we nearly there?" Jess asked,

"Damn honey it's like having Cam in the car" Negan teased, 

"Negan pull over you" you yelled interrupting the laughter, Negan looked confused but did as he was told. You swung the door open and emptied the contents of your stomach on the road side. Negan rubbed your back to soothe you and Jess reached from behind your seat to hold your hair. Craig was gipping in the back seat, he didn't deal with sick very well. Once you were done you took a deep breath and closed the door, resting your head against the headrest. Negan watched you concerned, you caught Jess's eye in the rearview mirror as she handed you a bottle of water, you knew exactly what she was thinking and the thought terrified you. 

"You okay now darling?" Negan asked stroking the side of your face, it had taken you a while to get used to that pet name coming from his lips and not Simon's but slowly you were adjusting, you didn't want to tell him how every time he called you that, the love of your life was the face you thought about. You cared for Negan a lot, but you weren't sure you could love again after having it torn away from you so cruelly. You nodded and closed your eyes, 

"Must be a bug or something I ate" you hoped, Negan seemed satisfied with this and pulled out onto the highway again. 

Eventually, you arrived at the Kingdom, Ezekiel opened the gates as the car approached, you were certain this was not usually a job for the king. Being the gentleman he was, he came to your door and opened it,

"My lady" he greeted with and smile and offered his hand, you accepted his polite gesture and allowed him to help you out of the car, earning a growl from Negan as he slammed his door shut. 

"Welcome to the Kingdom" Ezekiel annouced to your group, eyes settling once again on you. 

"Why don't you show us around" Negan suggested, the jealous tone going unnoticed by everyone except you. As Ezekiel lead you all along a path, you linked your fingers through Negan's as an attempt to calm him. It seemed to work as he sighed and his shoulders relaxed, squeezing your hand in response before dropping yours from his. He wasn't one for public shows of affection. 

Negan and Craig fell into step beside the King as he showed you around his community, he had farm animals and crops which was something the Sanctuary couldn't accommodate, you needed this alliance for that necessity alone and you hoped Negan knew that. 

"Are we going to talk about your episode earlier or ignore it and hope its a coincidence" Jess whispered as the two of you dropped a few paces behind the men. 

"Jess this isn't really the best time to be discussing this" you sighed

"Babe there is never going to be a good time considering the world we live in" he replied sympathetically.

"How am I even going to find out without Negan knowing" you asked exasperated

"I'm sure the Sanctuary has pregnancy tests" she whispered, and hearing the word out loud made your stomach drop. You couldn't be.

"Probably in the doctor's office" you replied

"So how do we get in there without asking the doctor because he would definitely tell Negan" she asked, 

"We use you" you smirked,

"excuse me?" she asked 

"oh Jess" you giggled at her clear ignorance of the way the doctor flirted with her "Carson is so hot for you" 

"Shut up no he isn't" she exclaimed, causing the men to glance back at the two of you, you scowled at Jess and she bit her lip. Once they had returned to their own conversation you turned back to Jess.

"You distract the hot doctor while I sneak in and get a test" you grinned, Jess rolled her eyes

"I didn not sign up for this" she groaned 

"Being best friends with me....you signed up for all sorts" you laughed. 

"Okay here we are" Ezekiel interupted your plotting, he gesturing towards a large building, "This is my throne room. He pushed aside a red curtain and you walked through to be stood in what seemed to be a theatre. You were too busy looking around you to notice Negan and Craig had stopped in the middle of the aisle and walked right into the back of Craig. 

"Jeez Craig" you groaned, he just looked at you and pointed towards the stage,

"Tiger" he exclaimed, on the stage under a single spot light stood a throne and a big Tiger, asleep, you noticed a chain around her neck and relaxed slightly. You had totally forgot Negan had mentioned the Tiger all those weeks ago. 

You heard Ezekiel chuckled as he placed a hand on the small of your back, 

"Why don't you come and meet my Shiva" he whispered a little too close to your ear, making Negan tense up and clench his jaw, you winked at him in an attempt to reassure him but that didn't seem to work. You rolled your eyes and allowed Ezekiel to lead you up to the stage, the other a little further behind, he climbed up onto the stage and offered a hand to pull you up. Before you had chance to react, strong arms lifted you off your feet.

"I've got this" Negan grinned as he lifted you onto the stage, Ezekiel smirked in response and you blushed at the amount of testosterone in the air, and Negans unusual behaviour. He set you on your feet and you smiled up at him, earning a lustful look in response, before you turned your attention back to Ezekiel and the big cat. He stroked the top of her head and she yawned, which quickly turned into a growl as she spotted the four of you, making you all take a step back. 

"Shhhh Shiva these are friends" Ezekiel cooed, scratching her ear, Ezekiel reached out for your hand and you let him, too mesmerised by the beautiful creature in front of you. He guided your hand towards her silky fur, you hesitantly stroked her, she leaned into your touch and you instantly fell in love. 

"Negan" you gasped, wanting to share this moment with him, he crouched beside you, resting a hand on your back, smiling as he noticed how excited you were. "I want one" you announced, everyone laughed, but the low gravelly laugh of the man beside you was all you heard as he rested his hand over yours and smoothed out the cat's fur. 

"Baby I'd give you a whole zoo if I could" he whispered, kissing the side of your head.


Hey guys, dont know about you but I love this chapter!!

What do you think about your sickness....do you want to be pregnant?

Comment, Vote let me know!!!

lots of love xxx

How can I live without you (Sequel to Simon FanFic - Sleeping with the enemy)Where stories live. Discover now