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Ezekiel invited you all to stay the night at the Kingdom. Negan was hesitant but he knew it would be nightfall soon and was dangerous to drive in the dark, headlights would draw the attention of walkers. 

You all stayed in the same room, Ezekiel showed you to it and left pretty quickly to allow you to get some sleep, kissing your hand as he bid you all goodnight. 

"Is my hand not kissable?" Jess asked pretending to sulk, you and Craig burst out laughing but Negan didn't look impressed. 

"Come on baby lighten up" you pouted, leaning your chin on his chest, looking up at him. He sighed and wrapped his arms around you, leaning down to bite your pouting lip, making you groan. 

"Wow we've gone from no PDA ever to public porn" Craig teased, Negan chuckled and held you closer. 

"Bunk beds though seriously!" Negan exclaimed as you looked around your room. 

"Well Ezekiel won't want to make it easy for you two to get cozy" Craig teased, Negan glared at him,

"Craig you know he gets touchy about that subject" Jess warned,

"That's exactly why I take great pleasure in winding him up over it" Craig winked, the two had formed quite a bromance.

"You're a dick you know that" Negan replied taking a seat on the bottom bunk of one and pulling you down onto his lap. 

"Yep" Craig grinned, the rest of you rolled your eyes and began to get comfy for the night. You and Negan spooned on the bottom bunk and Jess and Craig did the same on the other. There was no way a bunk bed was stopping that. 

There was a knock on the door quite early and without waiting for a response Ezekiel let himself in, he grinned at your sleeping arrangements,

"I see you made the most of the space you had" he observed.

"Well when my girl wants cuddles I must oblige" Negan responded, you rolled your eyes again at the battle between the two men. 

"I had my kitchen make your food to go so you can get on the road as soon as possible" Ezekiel replied, ignoring Negan's comment. 

"Are you trying to get rid of us?" you asked suddenly suspicious, that was from spending too much time with Negan. His face softened as you spoke.

"Never my lady" he replied "you can stay as long and as often as you like" you blushed, luckily you still had you back to Negan so he didn't notice. "But I know you have a little boy to get home to so I wouldn't want to keep you much longer.

"Thank you" said Jess, saving you from the awkward exchange, "we'll meet you outside" Ezekiel nodded and left us. Craig started giggling.

"I swear Craig if you say a single word" Negan groaned pinching the bridge of his nose. Craig held his hands up in surrender but winked at you when Negan wasn't looking. 

You linked your fingers through Negans as you followed your friends outside. He guided you round to the passenger side and opened your door,

"My lady" he mocked, the mischevious look on his face making you want to jump his bones there and then. 

"Thank you kind Sir" you replied, faking a curtsey as you hopped into the car,

"Sir" he played with the word on his tongue " I like it" he ran his tongue along his teeth as he shut your door and your ovaries exploded, that man had some effect on you. Ezekiel handed Jess our food as she climbed in the car. 

"Safe travels" he said, shaking Negan and Craig's hand,

"I'm starting to come around to us being allies my friend" Negan exclaimed before climbing into the car, Ezekiel seemed pleased with this as he closed the gates behind your car. 

You all chatted about the pros and cons of joining forces with the Kingdom, you weren't the only one who identified your need for the farm animals and crops. This alliance was probably going to happen, you just had to be sure he was no longer working with Maggie. 

The minute you stepped foot through the heavy metal doors at the Sanctuary, Jess made an excuse to take you away from the men. You had been sick that morning too but the men didn't know. 

"Come on let's go find Dr. Carson" she whispered as she practically dragged you down the long corridors. You arrived at his quarters, Jess got ready to knock while you hid around the corner, peeking just enough to know when it was okay for you to sneak behind him. You could see Jess twirling her hair and arching her back, she was really going for this flirting, although it wasn't hard, the doctor was very handsome. She laughed loudly at something he said, that was your signal, you tiptoed up behind him and into his room. You panicked, the shelved were full of boxes, it would take you forever to find the right one. You could tell Jess was running out of ways to hold his attention and you still hadn't found the pregnancy test. You knew you were going to have to ask him. Jess looked at you confused as you tiptoed back out of his room. You mouthed sorry to her before clearing your throat.

"Oh hello" the doctor greeted as he spun round to see who had called for attention. 

"Hi Doctor" you smiled "I see Jess is stalling" he looked confused and Jess glared at you, she knew what was coming. 

"Stalling?" he asked, turning back to Jess, you stepped beside her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"You see Doc she actually came here to ask you for something but is too embarrassed and nervous so I just came to check.

"What is it you need Jessica?" he asked, 

"I don't need anything" she smiled, jabbing you sharply in the ribs.

"A pregnancy test" you blurted "She needs a pregnancy test" the Doctor looked shocked and rubbed the back of his neck, 

"Oh" he replied "I see"

"But the thing is Dr Carson she doesn't want Craig to know until she has taken the test and knows for definite" you explained lying more.

"I totally understand" he replied placing a hand on Jess' arm "I won't, tell a soul"

"Thank you Dr Carson" Jess replied relieved this lie wouldn't go any further. The doctor disappeared into his room, retrieved a key from around his neck and unlocked a draw in his desk. You had no chance of finding them. He wrapped the box in brown paper and handed it to Jess, wishing her luck. You both smiled and said bye to him. 

"I hate you" Jess hissed as you rushed down the corridor.

"You love me" you pouted fluttering your eyelashes. She rolled her eyes and laughed. You went to Negan's room,  you knew he has gone to get Cameron to take him for tea so you wouldn't be interrupted. 

"You have to pull the end off, pee on it, and then wait 3 minutes" Jess explained reading the instructions. You nodded, taking the box from her, hands shaking as you were suddenly very nervous. "hey" she whispered stroking your shoulder, "whatever the result you are going to be okay", you nodded even though you weren't convinced and disappeared into the bathroom, leaving Jess sat on the edge of your bed. 

You did as Jess said, returning to sit beside her on the bed while you waited 3 minutes. 


hey guys, cliff hanger I know but still havn't decided if the pregnancy is they way I want to take this story. 

Comment and vote help a girl out!

Lots of love xxxx

How can I live without you (Sequel to Simon FanFic - Sleeping with the enemy)Where stories live. Discover now