Chapter 3: Hospitalize

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I groan in pain.

"Aye, Doctor! She's awake!" I heard a deep voice yell. I tried to open my eyes but the light was blinding me. I heard people come into the room.

"Jaylee, honey. Can you open your eyes for me?" A female asked me. I struggle to open my eyes, I tried to cover my eyes with my hands but nothing in my body budge.

"How are you feeling?" The woman asked. She was short, Mexican, black hair, and pink scrubs.

I started coughing while I was trying to speak. My eyes adjusted to the light and I was able to open them more. The nurse raised the upper part of my bed and gave me a glass of water. I tried to move again, it felt like my body was asleep. She helped me by putting a straw in the water.

"Do you remember why you're in the hospital? Blink twice for yes, blink once for no, and stare for some of it." I stared at her. She wrote on her clipboard and tapped my leg.

"Okay, sit tight and I'll be back". She said leaving out. I closed my eyes. I felt so tired. I heard the door click as it opened. I watched to see who entered.

A teenage boy about six foot three, caramel skin tone, brown eyes, dreads down his back, and a masculine body. He sat in the chair beside my bed.

"W-w ahem" I tried to speak again and I couldn't. He grabbed the glass of water and placed the straw at my lips. I tried to speak again.

"W-who are you?" I asked. My voice was very crackly.

"I saved you. You jumped off of the rail and hit your head on a huge rock. You blacked out instantly. I grabbed you and brought you here." I didn't know if I should say thank you. Did I want to be saved? I didn't know if I wanted to be saved.

"My name is Orlando Cortez." Orlando looked eighteen or nineteen. He was pretty attractive to admit.

"Jaylee Hernandez." I said regaining my voice. The nurse came back in.

"Jaylee, you'll have to stay here for further supervision on your health. You'll be dismissed at the end of the week. You, Mr. Cortez, can only stay for another two hours. Afterwards, you have to leave." She said pointing her pen at Orlando. He nodded and she walked out.

"How long have I been in here?" I asked moving my hands while regaining the feeling in them.

"Two days."

"Have you been here those, two days?"

"Yes, I came to check on you during the two days. The doctors thought your coma would last longer because you wasn't showing any signs of awakening."


"Why did you jump?" He asked pushing up from his chair.

"I don't want to answer." We sat in silence. I studied him. "Why did you save me?"

"I couldn't let you die. Did you want to die? Is that why you jumped?"

"Don't sit there and just question me like you know me. Maybe, I was tired of my life." I snapped.

"My bad, I was out of line. Would you like to use my phone to call someone and check in?" I was going to say there's no one to call but I thought of Mrs. Caroline. I stretched my arms and got his phone.

"Thank you." I said dialing Mrs. Caroline's number.


"Mrs. Caroline?"

"Jaylee, where are you? You haven't been coming to work. I was worried about you. Are you okay?"

"I-I'm in the hospital."

"Oh my God. Jaylee, are you okay? I'm coming right, now. How did you get there? What hospital are you in?"

"I tried to kill myself." I said as my eyes watered. I looked up and Orlando was staring at me. While I stared in his eyes, I knew he was comforting me. I just knew.

"Jaylee, no. Why didn't you just come live with me? Oh my god, Jaylee." I heard her cry.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't take it anymore."

"Oh Jaylee. I want to come see you. What hospital are you in?" I looked around and saw a poster of the name of the hospital.

"Denton Regional Hospital"

"Jaylee, how did you get to Denton, TX? Don't answer. I'll be there. "She said hanging up.

I gave Orlando his phone back. I started to have a massive headache. This headache was worse than the ones' that I would get after my beatings.

"My head hurts." I complained.

"I'll go get you a doctor but to let you know. When you jumped, you hit head first. The doctor said, she's surprised that you didn't crack your skull." Orlando said rubbing his hand on my head. His touch was hard and gentle just like his appearance.

I closed my eyes as I heard Orlando exit the room. I had thoughts about my life. How it could be better and how I could change it. After I get out the hospital and have Mrs. Caroline mail my check, I'm going to move to Jackson, Mississippi. I can't stay here, it's too dangerous. The doctor gave me medication for my headache. Orlando sat on the near side of the room. While flipping through the channels, he looked so focused.

"Orlando" He turned to me. "Not to be rude or anything but why are you still here? Thank you for saving me."

He walked over to me. His eyes wandered over my face. I noticed his eyes stopped on my neck. There was a scar there. I remember that scar, my mom gave it to me. She had a knife in her hand. The knife scratched across my neck as she smiled at my pain. I was fifteen, when she did it.

"I just want to make sure you're okay. They'll be running test on your head to make sure you're okay sometime tomorrow. I'll leave tomorrow if it says you're okay." I studied that look on his face.

"Orlando, why do you care?" I said placing my hand on his. I didn't ask in a cruel manner but I see he didn't know why himself. He sighed and sat back in the chair. His phone constantly rung and he finally answered.

"Yes" He said impatiently. A moment of silence as he listened to the person on the phone.

"Alright, I'll be there in a minute."

"No, I'm not cheating on you. I just been busy."

"Alright see you later, bye."

Orlando looked hesitant to leave. He hugged me on his way out. The room was very quiet after he left. It is weird to say I missed his appearance. I closed my eyes. They were so heavy.

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