Chapter 25: Work Day

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I jolted out of the bed as my alarm sounded.

"Ugh, already." I said grabbing my phone off the nightstand. "It feels like I just laid down." 

I groaned once more before throwing the covers off me. I walk to the bathroom to began getting ready for work.  I feel so exhausted and sleepy. I would think that since I've been working at my dad's company for a couple weeks now getting up at six in the morning would get easier.

I began to brush my teeth. I stared at myself in the mirror, while thinking about how last night's sleep was horrible. Orlando has been gone for roughly four days now. I slept fine the first night but the last couple nights have been difficult. It's like I can't convince my brain to allow me to go to sleep. 

Once I finished brushing my teeth, I washed my face and put my hair in a puff. I wish I had the energy to twist my hair last night. So, I could wear a twist out. I entered my clothes and searched for my attire. I settle on something office friendly and grabbed my purse to move onto the kitchen. Where I made myself breakfast, I left the apartment shortly after.

In which, it felt weird to get ready for work in silence and not smelling breakfast all throughout the apartment. Normally, Orlando would've made breakfast and be sitting at the table on the patio. He always goes out there to do work on his laptop. 

Being in this apartment alone was really starting to get to me. It just feels odd like I'm out of my normal routine. It's not like I can't survive with Orlando. It's just when you're used to things being a certain way, everything else just feels wrong. 

Maybe, I'm feeling like this because it's our first time being apart since I was shot in Texas. That has been over a year ago. Maybe its just that I'm in an emotional position right now. 

As I pulled into the parking lot, I glanced down to see if I saw my dad's truck in his labeled parking spot. Once I didn't find it, I sighed in relief and got out of the car. I was thankful that my dad let me work here as his phone representative. 

I walked into the building while flashing a few smiles and offering waves. Looking around while making my way to my desk, all I see is representatives talking on the phone and typing away on computers.  Here, it is seven in the morning and the lines are already busy. 

I rolled my eyes and released a sigh. I sat down at my desk. I begin to get situated by putting my purse in my desk drawer, logging into the system, and grabbing my headset.

"Well don't you look ray of sunshine?" I rolled my eyes. I already know who it is talking to me.

"Hey to you, Erin. " I said turning my chair to look at him. 

"Hey sugar plum. Big daddy hasn't rolled in yet, sadly." He said from his desk next to mine. 

"I think I am going to throw up in my mouth if you keep calling him that." I said covering my mouth with a look of disgust. 

Erin loved my discomfort. He smiled widely showing his pretty white teeth. 

"Girl, your father is the sexy man that I've ever seen. He has beautiful hazel eyes, those pink lips, the perfect boyish grin, and oh those wide strong shoulders attached those big strong arms. How can I forget his long legs and the vibration of his deep voice? " As Erin went on and on, I looked at him with my lips scrunched up. 

"You are nasty. My dad is nearly 50." I told him. 

"That's what makes him even better." He winked. I gagged. 

"I hate you." I told him, rolling my eyes with a smirk. 

"I love you too, future step daughter." Erin teased.

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