still dawn chapter 2

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"Okay Alice, Our little Nessie needs to get back to bed" Edward laughed, I don't know why he insists on calling Ness little, I mean, she may only be 6 but to look at her you'd think she's 16 or 17, and she hates being called little, it drives her insane.  

"But Dad, I'm not tired!" Renesmee protested throwing her arms across her chest as if to make her point.  

"Now come on Nessie dear, you really must go back to sleep" Esme interrupted, her soft voice could almost sound patronising if we didn't know better. Renesmee looked her square in the face "NO" she laughed before clambering over to cling to an overexcited Alice, who still hadn't calmed down enough to stop the bed shaking beneath us, as if reading my mind Emmett wanted his say "You know, if we wasn't all in this room right now, I'd easily assume you two were up to something with the noise that bed is making against the floor"  

"Emmett" I hissed at vampire speed "Your 6 year old niece is sitting right there!" at this time I saw something flit amazingly fast by Emmett and out the door.  

"Whoa! Just saying Bell's, don't bite my head off!" before holding his hands in the air as if admitting defeat, "Come on Rose, We've got some noise making to do ourselves eh?" he added grabbing Rosalie's arm and attempting to drag her out the room,  

"Emmett, behave" Rosalie murmured before turning to face me and Edward "I really am pleased for you both!" she added, a broad smile on her face , before allowing Emmett to pull her from the room at vampire speed. Ugh

Meanwhile, Renesmee had managed to persuade Alice to hide her somewhere in the house and according to Edward, Alice was now singing 'Here comes the bride' in her head, like that would help, we could just follow Ness's scent if we wanted to. I was starting to get really frustrated when I felt a sudden wave a calmness hit me, "Thanks Jazz" I smiled and nodded my head in his direction, "No problem, rather that than have you kill my wife eh?" he laughed.  

Edward burst into a fit of laughter at this point, I turned and faced him about to demand an explanation when he said "Alice may be good at blocking her thoughts but Ness isn't" before turning to Jake and adding "Jacob, would you please go and fetch Renesmee from the shed behind the pool house, Tell her she can stay up, BUT she's going to bed early tonight instead, she starts school Monday" Jacob just nodded and left the room.  

Carlisle obviously asked Edward a question in his mind because Edward looked at him laughed again before answering "Emmett's considering have some fun in the pool with Rose right now"  

Esme threw her hand over her mouth trying to stifle a grin just as I screamed, "Emmett if you go near that pool house I'll rip you apart with own bare hands" panic was rising in my throat, so far we'd been lucky and had been able to keep Renesmee away from where it is that Emmett and Rose were during there 'alone time' and I wasn't going to have them scar my little girl for life.  

"Its OK love" Edward soothed, "Jakes just about there, wait for it ...."  

"Aaahhhhhh!! Thank-you Daddy, Come on Alice . . .!" I heard Renesmee scream, a wave of relief hit me, again partly thanks to Jasper, then I heard Emmett shout "Does this mean the pool house is free now?"  

"NO!" screamed Me, Edward, Carlisle, Esme, Jasper, and I was sure I heard Rose as well.  

"OK, well I think we'll leave these two alone for a bit shall we love?" Carlisle asked of Esme  

"Of course, you probably want time to yourselve's, congratulations the pair of you" and with that they were out the door.  

"Um, Jazz?" Edward said, looking at him with a 'learn-to-take-a-hint' look,  

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