chapter 3 - SCHOOL

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"Bells, its half 6, shouldn't you be waking Ness up for school?" Rose asked, returning through the back door with Emmett, "You do know Carlisle wants to talk to us all before we leave!"  

"Yeah, I know" I grumbled, I was quite comfortable curled up on Edwards lap in the chair. I growled slightly under my breath,  

"Bella?" asked Edward, "what's wrong?"  

"School" I growled again "I just don't think I'm ready to let people think that Renesmee's just my sister"  

"I know love, but look at it this way, how many parents get to say they go to school with their children eh?" somehow this just wasn't comforting to me, "and she needs an education, you know that"  

"I know she needs an education, but I don't" I grumbled again  

"Come on Bells, we've talked about this, 6 teenagers all living at home and not going to school! Its gonna look suspicious right? "And it can actually be ..." Emmett intercepted  

"I know, I know, School's great" I mumbled with as much sarcasm as I could muster. Pulling myself up off the chair I leant forward and gave my husband a kiss, before flitting up the stairs to wake our sleeping teenage daughter, I really wasn't looking forward to today, school is so boring, I know everyone's worried that I wont be able to control my blood-lust, but really that's not a problem for me any more, just the thought of spending day after day in a classroom learning things I've already learnt over and over again, its enough to drive anyone insane. The thought of going around school, pretending to be my daughters sister! Well, the less said about that the better.

"Nessie" I whispered, gently stroking my daughters arm, to no response "Ness, come on sweetheart its time to get up now" I got a low mumbled groan and "let me sleep" Nessie never has been a lover of early morning's, unless she's planning a wedding of course, but that's not something I plan on doing very often. Fortunately, her Hannah Montana alarm clock chose that moment to go off, blaring 'Best of Both World's' across the room, causing Nessie to sit bolt up right in bed, I heard a low chuckle from behind me and without looking realised it was Jacob,  

"Bet your glad I bought her that alarm clock now eh Bell's?" I turned to glare at him,  

"You're not helping Jacob, go get yourself ready for school" I ordered  

"Hate to break it to ya Bell's, but you ain't my Mom!" I let a low growl escape my lips and saw him scurry away before turning back to my half awake daughter,  

"Come on sleepy head, we got to get you ready for your first day at school!" I probed trying to be as enthusiastic as possible.  

"Mom, I'm not 5! stop talking" *yawn* "to me like I am"  

"No sweetie, you're not 5, you're 6" I said laughing at her,  

"Do I look like a 6year old to you?" she grinned  

"No, but, you are my little girl, so whenever we're at home I'm afraid you will just have to put up with it" I added, poking out my tongue for effect.

Renesmee pushed the covers off her self and before either of us knew it Alice was in the room practically singing about doing her hair and make-up. The talk of make-up did the trick and Nessie was suddenly more keen to get up and get ready for school, 'typical teenager' I thought as I walked out the room to leave her and Alice to it.

I retreated to my room where I found Edward pulling his top over his head,  

"Well, I think it looks better off Mr Cullen" I smirked, "even if I do say so myself" Edward just grinned at my comment, walked over and kissed me lightly on the forehead, "forget it Bella, I am not going to school with no top on!" he whispered  

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