Chapter 57: New Family

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[A/N: Thanks for all the votes guys!! It means so much!! PLEASE keep them coming!  

Don't forget about our competition over on facebook to win that autograph from Taylor Lautner!  

Thanks to Niki Hopkins for editing!! She's a true Gem!]


"What's wrong?" Carmen panicked, running into the hallway "Carlisle?"  

"Hello Carmen" Carlisle greeted "we are sorry to barge in like this, but I assure you it is important"  

"What?" asked Kate running into see us, swiftly followed by Garrett.  

"Come through" Carmen gestured, ushering us all into the living room.

I followed the other's, my grip on Edward's hand getting tighter with every step.  

"Relax" he breathed in my ear "Eleazar really doesn't know anything"  

"Hmph!" I replied, not feeling relieved at this piece of information.  

"What's wrong?" Garrett asked, looking between us all. It was Eleazar who answered him.  

"Young Renesmee has been kidnapped"  

A chorus of gasp's echoed amongst the Denali family,  

"Oh Bella" Kate gushed, racing to my side and taking my hand in her's "I am so sorry. You should have just called. We would have -of course- been there right away"  

"I'm afraid it is not that simple Kate" Eleazar noted, a grim look spreading across his face.  

Kate looked confused as she looked around at the other member's of her family who seemed to mirror her confused look. I looked across to Edward who nodded slightly, letting me know that they were genuine.  

"What then?" Carmen asked, clearly concerned.  

This time it was Carlisle who answered,  

"It seem's Tanya has taken her. We were wondering if you know where she might be?"  

The four Denalis looked between each other, looks of sadness gracing their face's.  

"Carlisle" Kate began, her grip on my hand suddenly getting tighter "We have not seen nor heard from Tanya since Bella and Edward's wedding"  

"I see" Carlisle nodded, the family's pain now reflected on his own face.  

"Why?" Carmen spluttered "I mean- what make's you think that Tanya has anything to do with this?"  

"I can answer that" Alice intercepted, "I had a vision of Ness and Tanya together. They were in a dark room and Tanya was ready to attack" her head suddenly dropped toward's the floor "I'm sorry, but it seem's that Tanya is no longer following the same diet as ourselve's"  

"You must have seen wrong!" Kate exclaimed, now letting go of my hand so it dropped to my side.  

"I'm sorry Kate" Edward responded "It was definite"

Garrett rushed to Kate's side and supported her as her knee's gave way.  

"We- we knew Tanya was upset over the business at the wedding" he explained "but we never imagined this"  

"Sorry" I muttered, I was going to say more but I was interrupted by a low growl building in Edward's throat. "What?" I asked, turning to face him.  

Instead of answering me he looked to Garrett,  

"Another family?"  

Garrett nodded briefly,  

"So we heard"  

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