chapter 29, confrontations

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[A/N: This entry isn't as great as I would have liked it to be, so I apologize for that. For younger readers it also contain's 1 offensive word, which I felt was necessary to portray Bella's anger]


"You?" I spat at her, making the distance across the room in a split of a second. "You invited them?" I shouted, causing everyone in the room to turn and stare.  

"Bella" Edward warned, placing his hand firmly on my shoulder in an attempt to hold me back "calm down love"  

"calm down?" I shrieked "Calm down! She" I spat pointing my finger directly in Tanya's face "invited them to our wedding, she tried to ruin our day!" I could feel the anger coursing through my body. I could feel Jasper trying to calm me down, but it wasn't making any difference to my mood. How could she? She was supposed to be a friend, supposed to be family even!!  

"Bella my dear" Aro intruded "I can assure you we came here today wishing you no ill will, only to offer you our congratulation's. I apologise if we have made you feel other wise"  

"Don't give-" I began but I was cut off by Alice's hand clamping shut over my mouth  

"I admit" Aro continued, looking down at Renesmee beside me "I was intrigued to see how your daughter has turned out. She appear's to be a fine young hybrid"  

"She's a wonderful child" Edward stated beside me. I had now managed to shake Alice off my back and was facing Aro once more.  

"Bella, Edward..." Tanya began stuttering,  

"I'll deal with you later" I hissed, turning my attention back to Aro once more, "why are you really here?" I asked "you know Renesmee doesn't pose any kind of threat,. Do you take pleasure from putting me through hell?"  

"Oh, young Bella, as I have told you. I do not come here with any purpose other than to wish you happiness on your big day"  

"Still" Edward growled "if it is all the same, we'd rather you leave now. You too Tanya. As you have said, it is our big day. And I wont have my family upset"  

"We will leave shortly Edward" Aro sang "but first I was wondering if I may speak with your daughter and friend's first?"

"Over. My. Dead. Body" Jacob growled suddenly appearing beside me, Aro tilted his head slightly to the side and stared at Jake, clearly amused by his choice of word's,  

"Well, as I am sure you are well aware that can be arranged" Aro smiled. I heard a chorus of growl's erupt from behind me, followed by some shocked gasp's. 6 wolves stepped forward, teeth bared, they moved to stand in a semi-circle between us and the Volutri. For fear of Jane or Alec attacking, I stretched my shield over them and us.  

"I see no need for a confrontation" Aro smiled confidently "I merely wish to talk"  

"Well we don't wish to talk with you!" Jacob snapped  

"So, am I to take it you are one of these shape-shifters?" Aro asked  

"Yes" Jake growled back  

"May I shake your hand young man?"  

"No. I only shake hands with those who are my friend's"  

"And if I wish to become your friend?" Aro asked, a smile once again gracing his face.  

"Never" Jake snarled back, now holding Nessie close to him "I've killed better vampire's than you"  

"Jacob" Edward warned, placing his free hand firmly on Jake's left shoulder.  

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