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A/N: Hahahaha this is shit,

Why am I publishing this.

I promise the next fic will be better.

Also I swear it's not as smutty as the title makes it seem

This is gonna be a short story so the characters and "plot" won't be as developed as I wish they were, so get ready for a very two-dimensional story with two-dimensional characters! Yay!

Kill me.

(As many of you know English is not my first language so corrections and constructive criticism are always welcome!)

Now, enjoy I guess?

France was beautiful, the smell of the cafés, the art museums, the historical richness, heck, even the Eiffel Tower was worth it. The people he met there would always have a place in his heart (except Thomas Jefferson, gosh he was so glad he would never see that prick again). But after a year of being so far, there is nothing like home sweet home. His foster parents and his brother had welcomed him warmly and he would finally see his friends again. He couldn't wait to catch up with all the new things he had missed during his year on the student exchange program.

"Alexandre!" Lafayette screeched as soon as he stepped inside the school. Besides him, Madison smiled slightly.

"It's been so long, guys!" The excited Alpha ran toward his friends and tackled them into a hug.

"I see you're just as loud as you left," Madison noted.

Alexander shrugged. "Damn it's been so long since we last saw each other!" He exclaimed as he separated. "How have things been going? Man I, barely even remembered how you dumbasses smelled, it's nice. Anything new in my absence?"

Madison coughed. "Well.."

"I'm pretty sure you'll see him for yourself soon enough" Lafayette finished.

"Him? What do you mean by 'him'?" Alexander asks.

"You'll see"

And he does, just as he's walking out of third period he hears people yelling and sees students gathering around something, some of them even taking their phones out to record whatever is happening. Alexander has always been a curious dog, so he squishes between the people until he sees two guys. One of them is big, judging by the jacket probably a football player, the side of his head is shaved and the other is dyed with an angry red. He's growling slightly, obviously pissed.

And the other guy? Alexander is infatuated as soon as he sees him. He's way smaller than the football player but probably still around Alexander's height. His eyes are a weird mix of hazel and green, his face is covered with freckles like angry raindrops, his lips are pink and soft looking, hair long and shiny, perfect sized butt. Obviously an Omega, though he's disappointed by the fact that he can barely smell him due to the turtleneck around his neck, probably a scent-blocker. What does surprise Alexander, is his attitude.

"C'mon Laurens" The football player, who he now recognizes as Andrew, says as he walks closer to Laurens. "The playing hard to get game was hot the first few weeks but this is just plain annoying"

The Omega rolls his eyes. "That's because I ain't playin' hard to get, you bitch ass idiot, I legitimately don't want anythin' to do with you"

"Yeah, right," Andrew scoffs.

Laurens raised his brow. "You think I'm jokin'"?

"Why shouldn't I? No Omega says no to me," Andrew exclaimed arrogantly.

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