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A/N: While I was writing this I thought "man isn't their relationship moving a bit too fast?" Then I remember, I wrote Benefits.

The glaring sun seemed to be mocking Alexander's mood, a shining reminder that the world would always move on even if he didn't. He already knew the way to the cemetery by heart, he would spend his Sunday mornings there instead of sitting in a Church, listening to the same message he had already heard thousands of times. When it came to the Bible or the Torah he preferred to read it by his mom's side sitting above a city of forgotten bones. It was his special definition for Religious Sundays. As he crossed the entrance to the graveyard his phone buzzed on his pants, and how he wanted to ignore it, but he knew his friends would only text if it was important. Of course, said friends had a very loose definition concerning the word "important" but he let it slide.

Frenchie💋: Hey Alx!!!

Frenchie💋: Want 2 hang out after visiting ur mom???

Frenchie💋: Angie wll be there!!

He rolled his eyes halfheartedly, why the hell no?

Alexander The Grrreat: Sure, same place as always?

Frenchie💋: U know it!!!

After that, he stuffed his phone in his pocket with no intentions of taking it out for a few hours. Without thinking about it his feet took him to his mom's grave, the words Rachel Faucette Buck engraved on the cement didn't make him want to weep anymore, but it still caused him melancholy. He sat in front of it and took out his Torah, the traces of a sad smile started to form on his lips.

"Hey, mama," He whispered. "I'm here again. I'm so sorry I haven't been able to visit since I came back. It's been some crazy weeks, getting used to everything once again,"

He leaned his back on the gravestone after giving it a sincere smile, from his backpack he took the Torah and opened it on the very first chapter. As a child, he had studied in a Jewish school, and the familiarity of the words printed on each page made him feel closer to his mother in a way.

"In the beginning of God's creation of the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was astonishingly empty, and darkness was on the face of the deep, and the spirit of God was hovering over the face of the water. And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light."

By the time he was halfway through the book he heard the sound of crushed leaves on the distance, usually he would've ignored it, it was probably just someone coming to mourn a once loved one just like him. But today he was tempted to look.

He was immediately met with hazel eyes.

They weren't looking back at him, but at a gravestone much like the one he was leaning on. Alexander couldn't read the name engraved on it but the eyes stared mournfully them.

"Laurens?" He said in a lowly. The eyes looked up and finally locked with his, they were red-rimmed and surrounded by slight but present eye bags.

"Hamilton" John mumbled with surprise. "What are you—" He stopped himself. "That's a stupid question, I'm sorry,"

"No, no it's okay," Alexander insisted. "Do you.. do you want some company? Or should I just leave you alone?" He winced at the wording, but he was trying, okay.

"I..." John seemed weaker than Alexander had ever seen him before, his ever-present confident aura was absent and his posture was poor. He looked like shit, like someone who was in a cemetery at 11:08 a.m on a Sunday morning. "I think I do," He mumbled.

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