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A/N: Shame in posting this intensifies.

"Hey, Alex!"

After sixth period Alexander had focused on figuring out a way to make Laurens fall for him, he almost got hit by a car on his way home because of it, and he would say it was worth it. But was it? He still hadn't been able to come up with anything. Just before he got tempted to look for the "How To Woo a Rebellious Omega" tutorial on WikiHow, his neighbor demanded his attention.

"Hey, Pegs," He said as he fumbled with the keys. Peggy was an Alpha just like him, and the only one from her sisters. Her older sister, Eliza, was an Omega and her oldest older sister, Angelica, was a Beta. Her newborn sister was still too young to identify but her mother had the feeling she too was a Beta.

"Any luck with freckles?" She asked with a smirk.

"Nah, but I'm not giving up just yet. They don't call me Stubborn Brat for nothing," He declared.

"Y'know, I tried to flirt with him once. It went baaaad." She comically grimaced at the memory.

The Alpha chuckled. "I can imagine," He opened his door.

"Say hello to your brother for me, 'kay?" Said Peggy with a slight blush, Alexander raised his brow.

"You sure you don't want to tell him yourself? You've shown quite the interest lately," He teased.

"Don't tease me. His window is right next to mine and I can smell him perfectly. It's so good"

He made a face. "Please don't talk about my brother's scent near me, that's just weird,"

"Pussy," She fake coughed and then punched him lightly in the arm. "See ya later, Alex"

"See ya," He bid her farewell.

He entered his house and immediately recognized his brother's smell. Peggy wasn't wrong, he did smell good, like wood and recently trimmed grass, but not in a weird way though. Alexander's not into that. He also noticed that neither Martha or George were home, probably on a date or something. Martha and George were his foster parents, a couple of Alphas incapable of having children that recurred to adoption, but before they even could start looking for a child they heard about Alexander and his brother James and well, there they were. He appreciated immensely how well the Washington's treated them, and even saw him as parents. Not that he would say it out loud.

"Hey, James!" He called.

"Hello, lil' bro!" He responded from the kitchen. Alexander peaked in and saw his brother making cranberry and chocolate pancakes, he didn't know if to gag or drool.

"How was school?" Alexander shrugged.

"Well, there is this cute Omega that I like but he's not having it," James chuckled.

"Give him time, he'll break eventually. You're a charmer after all," He promised.

"I sure hope so" A pause. "Can I taste the mix—?"




"Did you sit on a pile of sugar?"

John sighed. "The answer is the same one I've been givin' you the whole week, Hamilton. No"

"And what if—?"

"Hey, Puppy!" Someone called, both boys rolled their eyes simultaneously. Pierce. Alexander admits he may be sort of pushy, but this guy was a straight-up creep. It make Alexander gag just to think of him.

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