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John's nests are the warmest, coziest, comfiest place on this entire Earth.

He had been told that most Omegas' nests were this way, but since Alexander had no one else's to compare with he'd just assume John's were the best, no discussion. He was kinda scared of moving something out of place, because if he did he had the feeling John would kick him out and make him sleep on the cold wooden floor, which he'd rather avoid. Especially when the other option was being here, surrounded by warm blankets, fluffy pillows, and John cuddled next to him, placing gentle kisses everywhere from his jaw to his chest.

Around eight months into their relationship John invited Alexander to spend his Heat with him, the Alpha had been completely static. It was the first time he'd be with an Omega during their Heat, and even better was that it wouldn't be just any Omega, it would be John. And it had been absolutely perfect.

Well, truth to be told it wasn't perfect perfect. It was pretty messy and kinda confusing, he had never seen John act the way he did and Alexander had no idea his scent would have such effect on him. It was a bit shocking, but it had felt so right. And it wasn't even over yet.

"You ready to go again?" John asked as he kissed him on the check.

"Not yet, Romeo. I need a bit more than five minutes,"

John huffed a bit. "Aight, but next time I top,"

The Alpha smirked. "I ain't complaining,

The South Carolinian paused for a second, settling his head on Alexander's chest and smiling. "Are you purring, honey?"

"You know I am," He rolled his eyes and poked John on the forehead.

"I love it when you purr, it's so... comforting,"

Alexander smiled, maybe this was the moment? There wasn't any celestial being or sign telling him to go for it, but maybe there didn't have to be. Maybe he'd just have to go for it. "Hey, baby?"


"I love you,"

His boyfriend looked up to him, his hazel eyes meeting Alexander's chocolate ones. He didn't look surprised at all, just happy. "I love you,"

He pressed their lips together, John having to support himself on his shoulders to not squish Alexander. It wasn't like most of the kisses they gave each other that evening, there was just one feeling they wanted the other to know.

"I love you."

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