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A/N: I don't speak French and I used google so if what I wrote was a horrible catastrophe feel free to correct me.

Alexander felt awkward walking toward John. He didn't know what he had said or done during his Rut and he hoped whatever that was it wasn't that stupid. For all he knew he could've asked John to marry him next week. He usually wouldn't let his pride be crushed for something as one embarrassing Rut but John made him feel exposed and bare. He just wanted to seem enough for him.

"Hey, John," He squeaked.

"Alex," He turned toward him, closing his locker. He seemed almost surprised to see him. "Your Rut's over already? I would've expected it to last one or two more days,"

John knew about his Rut, he had definitely done something embarrassing. "My Ruts are usually a little short. It's fine," He shrugged bashfully. "Look, I'm sor—"

"Alexander," He said with that soft look he had only seen before in the cemetery, the one that made him want to curl up on John's chest and purr. "It's okay, really. You were in your Rut and you couldn't control what you were saying," He shrugged with a smile. "It's fine, I promise,"

"..How bad was it?" He mumbled.

"I've seen worse," John winked and the bell rang, and both boys parted ways.

On the instances Alexander saw John during the day he kept noticing the jumpiness and anxiousness coming from him. In class, he would either tap his foot or pencil or bite his already short nails. On the halls he would look around, basically ready to hiss at anyone that came too close for his comfort. The usually borderline dry tone he used in conversations was accompanied by a clingy jitteriness that clung to his tongue. Alexander betted that if he could smell him he would smell like rancid lemons.

"What's wrong?" He finally asked when the teacher gave them a break. School was awesome but Biology was definitely not Alexander's forte. He would take numbers and punctuation before the chemical composition of a rock any day, if there was someone though who did enjoy plants and anatomy was Laurens, and yet today he seemed spaced out and still anxious-looking.

John hummed, seemingly confused. "What do you mean?"

Alexander scoffed. "You've been jumpy and jittery all day long,"

John almost smiled. "So you noticed,"

"Of course I did," The Alpha mumbled.

"It's just..." He seemed apprehensive with sharing what was bothering him, but he still looked at Alexander in the eye and sighed heavily. "My Heat is coming up soon and I'm dreading it," John confessed.


So what if Alexander had been distracted all day? He had all the rights to be worried.

Ever since John told him about his Heat the previous day Alexander's instincts yearned to protect him from any possible threat, including Alphas. He couldn't help it, it was an instinctual thing, and he felt stupid. He wanted to spoon John and cover him from the world so badly he didn't even think about how it would feel to sleep with the Omega during his Heat (that was actually one big fat lie). Unfortunately, his friends noticed.

"Is there something wrong?" Lafayette had asked.

He shook his head. "Just a bit worried about the upcoming French test. Mr. Steuben seems pretty set on kicking our asses this semester,"

"You'll do great as always," Angelica said carelessly. "You know what you should be worrying about? Mr. Franklin's essay about the death penalty. You don't need that many words to get a point across!" She complained. Alexander nodded in agreement even though he had already completed that essay with John. Mr. Franklin was his favorite teacher and he had been so excited to write that essay he had dragged Alexander along.

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