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"Howdy, Johnny,"

"Don't call me that,"

After listening to the conversation in the infirmary Alexander had been very much interested in finding out what was going on. Apparently, John had been trying to suppress his Heat for too long, but why? Alexander had tried to do it once in middle school but he always forgot to take his pills so it didn't work. He knew of many Alphas and Omegas (mostly Omegas) who suppressed their Heats and Ruts, it wasn't anything unheard of, but John just seemed so desperate about it, like he was scared of what would happen if he didn't. Alexander wanted to find out why and also give John a hug. That has nothing with the subject but John simply looked very huggable today, okay.

"When was the last time you went into Heat?" John suddenly stopped drawing and glared at him, cheeks red with embarrassment.

"That's none of your business you pervert," He growled.

"What? I'm just curious, my Rut was exactly two months and a week ago" An Alpha's Rut was different from an Omega's Heat. While Omegas would normally go on Heat once a month, for Alphas Ruts came every three months. The Heats and Ruts of two Mates rarely aligned, but when they did you bet they would have a good time.

"Does it look like I care?" John asked sarcastically.


"Wrong answer, wolfie" John said and Alexander bit his lip, trying to suppress the sudden smile.

"Did you just call me wolfie?"

John paused as if he hadn't realized. "..Shut up. It was a slip, that's what I call my annoyin' little brother,"

"Sure" Alexander hummed.


"So he called you wolfie?" Peggy confirmed with her mouth full of chips.

"Yess!" Alexander squealed trying to not mess up Peggy's black nail polish.

"You know, he could have actually just said it because you remind him of his annoying lil' bro,"

Alexander rolled his eyes. "I came here to have a good time and honestly I'm just feeling attacked right now,"

"What? It's true. John has never been interested in anyone, ever." She paused. "Well, there are rumors that he had a thing with Kinloch on like Freshman year, but that doesn't mean anything because those are just rumors. Your hopeless crush isn't going anywhere,"

"Look who's talking," He mumbled.

"Excuse me?"

"Please, you've been pining after James for Lupa knows how long—"

"I'm not pining!"

"Sure, and Eliza doesn't have the biggest crush on pretty boy Andre,"

She scoffed. "I told you, she got over that!"

"Bullshiiiit," He mumbled

She looks a deep breath. "Look, I'm just saying to not get your hopes up with Laurens because it is very unlikely to happen, and I don't want you to get your heart broken,"

"I know Peggy, but I don't care. I appreciate the concern but I'll be fine," There was a pause of silence between the two of them.

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