Basics Of Omegaverse

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Should've probably posted this from the beginning, don't know why I didn't.

So this is a little informative (??) chapter for those who are not familiar with the Omegaverse AU, I'm gonna try to explain this as less smut-ish as possible but that might be a little hard because this universe can get kinda... weird. But I love it if done on the correctly. Not let's get on with the basics and definitions!

So basically Omegaverse is an AU which holds many characteristics of Werewolf AUs but it's not quite the same. Let's say that the A/B/O universe is somewhere in between Werewolves and normal people. People this universe are divided in three categories:

Alphas: They are the "strongest", most "dominant" ones. (I put quotation marks because those are just stereotypes, in my opinion anyone could be an Alpha. Even wimps, is just genetics) you could say they're the equivalent of males, though girls can be Alphas too and, I know it's weird but don't run away plz, also have dicks. There, I said it, some girls have dicks too here. You still here? Good.

Betas: Basically normal people just like you and me.

Omegas: They're the "weaker", more "submissive" ones (again, just stereotypes) and basically play the role of girls. Can guys get pregnant here? Yes, but that won't happen in this fanfic because they're freaking teenagers.

Scent: Every Alpha and Omega has a different scent (if Betas have scent tho it mostly depends on the author, Omegaverse can change a lot form fanfic to fanfic). Alphas are attracted to Omega's scent and vise versa. Or just anyone because Alphas can also like Alphas and Omegas like other Omegas. The scent glands are located at the neck and depending on which fanfic you read they might also be on the wrist or even the freaking dick. Scent-blockers can be normal articles of clothing that simply suppress your smell. They can also be pills.

Heats: This is a period of time where an Omega's hormones go batshit crazy and they're ready to fuck a lot. Their smell during that period attracts horny Alphas which can be pretty dangerous. Most Omegas either have sex with someone or just hide away in their nests (basically amazing blanket forts not unlike something a pregnant dog would make for her pups, but Omegas can just use it for comfort). It lasts more or less around a week.

Rut: Basically Alpha equivalent of a Heat.

Suppressants: Pills that suppress an Omega's Heat or an Alpha's Rut.

And I think that just about covers the basic basics. I don't wanna explain absolutely everything since many things will be explained in the story. If you still have some kind of doubt feel free to ask!

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