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So, John Laurens is kissing him.

His lips pressed warmly against Alexander's, their tongues just brushing ever so slightly against each other. It's a simple kiss, no fireworks exploded in the background, the world doesn't end and start again, Jesus doesn't descent from the Heavens a second time.

And Alexander loves every second of it.

After the shock goes away he melts into the kiss just like butter would melt in a pan and slips his hand in John's curls, switching between caressing his scalp and grabbing his hair. John growls, but not like the growls he gives to intimidate. It's a lustful growl, a product of pleasure, and it goes straight to Alexander's groin.

"Nope," He shrieks as he pulls away. "Not going there,"

"I'm sorry," He hears John say.

"What?" He asks. Confused, Alexander looks up and tries to find John's eyes. He can't. The Omega is staring at the TV, his cheeks are red and his teeth pressed together tightly.

"This was a mistake, I shouldn't have done that,"

"John," The Alpha pleads.

"That wasn't fair to you, I'm sorry–"

"Don't," He cries. "Don't apologize, just don't. I don't regret this, John I loved it. I–" He bit his tongue. Not now. Now yet. "You're amazing, I want to be with you, you know that,"

"No I don't," The South Carolinian says coldly.

Alexander sighs. "Well, I do. I want to be with you, I wanna kiss you all the time, I want you to be min— my boyfriend,"

John scoffs. "Do you really?"

"I promise, I'm not after you for what everyone thinks you are. I like the real you, I'd choose him over what people see in a heartbeat. Just, give me a chance. Please?"

There's a pause, not exactly an awkward one. Just tense.

"Alright," John breathes.


"Yeah," He says nonchalantly, but Alexander can see a smile pulling from the corner of his lips.

"Can I kiss you?" He rushes to say, impatient to be closer to John.

John looks at him with those so familiar hazel eyes. "I sure hope you do,"

And so they kiss. And for one small, tiny moment, everything is perfect.


"I used to want to play in the school's Rugby team," John said again this neck. They were both curled up against each other on the blue bean bag next to the wall, and John was so warm. Alexander purred softly out of pure contentment. "You do smell good, geez," The Omega mumbled to himself.

"Yeah? What position?"

"Flanker," Alexander tried to imagine it, he wasn't exactly fond of the fact John would get basically beaten around, but he knew he'd kick ass in that game. It's not like John was a weak muscleless thing, he was in his arms right now, he knew about John's muscles.

"Why didn't you join the team?"

John groaned. "They didn't let me in. They said I was good but that I was "too small" or whatever that meant. Which is bullshit, I'm taller than you—"

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