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Alexander woke up feeling like he was forgetting something. Like when your brain knows you need to buy a gift for your distant cousin's birthday next week but your conscience is not quite aware of it. He didn't ponder much on it, he would either remember eventually or forget to buy the metaphorical gift. It couldn't be that important anyway. If it was he was sure he would know. He childishly blamed his forgetfulness on John, the Omega consumed every inch of Alexander's thoughts, he was just so smart and determined. He dreamed of becoming a physician, though he spoke of it as a dumb fantasy that would never come true. He wouldn't tell Alexander why. John had a special sense of humor that was mostly dry remarks and the deadest memes the Alpha wished he would just forget already. He was kind, in his own way. He noticed he would spend a lot of time with the nurse and seemed to be close friends with her. He adored animals and once spent forty minutes explaining Alexander why the dolphin fish was, in fact, not a dolphin. Who even names fish these days?

The point is, John is wonderful and he's smitten. Causing his usually focused self to wonder at odd hours in the night at what extent did John's freckles went. Did they continue on the chest? Stomach? Toes? Thighs?

Damnit Alexander, keep it PG.

He shook the impure thoughts away and grabbed his phone, deciding that it's better to just wake up than let his mind wander.

Wolfie🖕: GOOD MORNING ❤️

My King 👑💕: Is 5 in th fcking mrng go tf to slp

Apparently, John's usually decent grammar went to hell when he was tired. Cute.


Wolfie🖕: SO I'M AWAKE

My King 👑💕: NO


Wolfie🖕: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

My King 👑💕: I wll literally strngle u wht th f u c


My King 👑💕: Thts it im blocin u

My King 👑💕: Bye go t slp, it mght hlp ur neirons

Wolfie🖕: nooOOOOOOOO


[You have been blocked]

He snickered and made a mental note to tease John this early in the morning more often. He could perfectly visualize his annoyed frown and that cute weird thing his lips do when he gets angry, almost like a pout but not quite and with little teeth. Every time he did it Alexander wanted nothing more but to take those rosy lips on his.

He stretched like a lazy cat and stood up from his warm, comfy bed. He knew his brother was probably up and getting ready to go on a walk as he does every morning because "exercise is healthy" or some shit like that. He tiptoed to James' room to not wake his foster parents (Last time he woke them up this early he had to cook breakfast and wash the dishes. Those damn dishes) and carefully slipped past the door. James yelped.

"What are you doing!? Alex, I'm changing!" The shirtless Omega shrieked.

"And? I'm your brother,"

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