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    You pulled into your drive, Chris pulled in behind you as you jumped out of the suv. He hopped out leaving his car running and jogged to you.
   "Hey, got to take a raincheck on breaking in your new car. I gotta go help my mom with something." He stated, brushing his lips against your cheek, as he clasped your hands in his. "I'll try to stop by later though."
     "Okay, guess I'll see you later then." You smiled through your disappointment. Even though you knew this was going to be how it was you did enjoy his company.
    "Behave while I'm gone." He joked as he jogged back to his car, giving you a brief smile before getting in his car. You waved as he left, turning back to your house.
    Hagrid greeted you with croaking meow as you entered, you scooped the old cat up and walked into your kitchen. You placed him gently on the floor, putting down some wet food for him. You wandered your way upstairs, deciding to take a warm bath.
     You filled the tub with lavender Epsom salts allowing the hot water to fill as you took your clothes off. Small bruises had formed on your hips from Chris's grip on you this morning. You remembered how hard he had bucked you, a dull ache still between your legs as you lowered yourself into the hot water.
     "I can not believe I did that." You stated out loud to yourself as you declined back in the water. You had sex with him, Chris Evans, not just once but twice with in the last twenty four hours. Rather he fucked your brains out was more like it.
     You didn't know whether to be turned on by the fact or mortified that you did for money. That part of this is what you were still hung up on, a deep part of you hated that fact. You closed your eyes and allowed the water to work it's wonders on your sore body, trying to push the thought of sex for money from your head.
    Hagrid's croak interrupted your thoughts, you looked over the edge of the tub at the mangey cat. He sniffed at your clothes, smelling Dodger all over them. The hairs on his back stood on end as he back away from them, going over to the bath mat to curl up.
    "Sorry my clothes insulted you." You chuckled, leaning back again in the tub.
Hours later, the sun had already set of the day, leaving the world dark outside your kitchen windows. You were just pulling the pasta dish out of the oven when you heard a sharp crisp knock on the door. You set the dish on the top of stove, as there was another knock.
"Hold on." You yelled, taking the oven mitts off as you jogged to the door. Your feet slapping against the hardwood floor. You unlocked the front door, to find Chris waiting with a bottle of wine in hand and a smirk on his face.
"Sorry I got caught up so long." He stated as you held the door open for him allowing him in.
"It's okay, you never did say that you were for sure going to be back. Have you eaten?" You asked walking back the kitchen, Chris following you, he snagged you by your waist suddenly. He playfully nipped at the back of your neck.
"I could eat you." He growled in your ear eliciting a giggle from you before releasing you. "But to answer your question no."
"It's nothing spectacular, but it's food." You say to him, smacking him playfully on the arm.
You grab two plates from the cupboard, handing one over the Chris. The two of you loaded your plates with food before sitting down at the table. Chris had grabbed a couple of glasses for the wine.
    You settle into a comfortable silence as you ate, cat intertwined at your feet. You looked over at Chris occasionally, smiling to yourself at the look of contentment on his face. It still kind of felt surreal, him sitting at your table, it seemed like the most normal thing in your life.
     "So tell me about your family." He finally broke the silence as you neared finishing your meals.
     "I have five adoptive brothers, I was my parents only bio child. My mom had complications after having me, and both of them wanted more kids so they adopted. Two of my brothers are older then me and three of them are younger." You shrugged. "My parents I think had a vision of how it was going to be in their heads but in reality they bit of more then they could chew. My oldest brother, the one I was closest to od'd a couple years back. The other older brother is in jail."
    He didn't say anything, but just watched your facial expressions as you talked.
    "I'm not that close to any of them, there was always so much going on at the house that I just stayed away. The only family member I was close to was my grandpa, he was the only one that encouraged me to come out here." You said, giving him a sad smile. "He passed away a year before I made the move."
     "I'm sorry to hear that, baby girl." He said, placing his hand on yours.
     "It's okay." You replied, grabbing your empty plate as you stood.
     "Let me, you cooked so I'll clean up." He stated, raising from his chair.
      "No, you're a guest, I can clean up." You chuckled, grabbing the plate from him.
      "I insist. My mom always raised me to help out that way." He smiled down at you.
     "That's sweet but my house my rules." You smirk, placing the dishes in the sink.
     "It's cute." He crossed his arms, leaning a hip against the counter.
     "What is?" You glance over while running some water over the dishes.
      "That you think you have some control over this situation." His voice lowered a bit, his eyes traveled down your body as he licked his lips.
   You could feel your face flush up, Chris moved behind you, reaching around to the dishes in your sink. He grabbed the sponge from your fingers, and proceeded to wash the dishes with you standing in front of him. His chest was pressed against your back, when you inhaled you could smell his cologne, as sudden warmth went straight to your core at the closeness.
    "I'm in control, in case you forgot." He whispered in your ear, he grabbed the nozzle on the sink fossett. You looked over your shoulder at him, a glint of mischievousness in his eye. "And you make an excellent human shield."

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