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"So I have I have to fly out to LA tomorrow." Chris said, you nodded against his bare chest, his warm hand gently resting on your bare shoulder, the blanket wrapped loosely around you both.
"How long will you be gone?" You asked turning your head up to look at him.
"A week, maybe a bit longer." He replied, kissing the top of your head, he rubbed a circle on your bare skin with his thumb.
"Ok." You sighed, feeling his body start shift under you.
You sat up letting Chris slide off the edge of the bed to retrieve his lost garments. You pulled your knees to your chest, blanket across you, and rested your chin on them. He smirked at you as he pulled his underwear on, eyeing his pants he snatched them up.
"Yes?" He asked, pulling his pants on.
"Nothing, just enjoying the view." You lied, you really didn't want him to leave but it was what it was.
"Oh really?" He chuckled, leaning back to kiss you before he stood.
"Yes, I'm not sure if your aware of this but you have a very nice body." You giggled as he pulled on his shirt his eyes landing on your wrists, he walked around the edge of the bed, he sat down tenderly grasping both your hands pulling them out to look at your wrists.
"Let me see them." His face changed to concern. Faint red marks engulfed the both of them, parts looked to have a small burn from the friction of the belt.
"It's not that bad." You shrugged looking down, trying to hide the fact that they did hurt a bit. Chris brought his finger under your chin forcing you to look up at him.
"Baby girl, don't lie to me." He said softly, his bright blue eyes searching yours. "Next time, please say something. Last thing I want to do is hurt you."
"I didn't feel it at the time, Chris." You told him, he brought each wrist up kissing them. He leaned forward kissing you again.
"Okay, but if something ever does hurt, tell me?" He asked, you nodded to him.
Chris stood up, sliding his shoes on, you grabbed your robe off the corner of your bed post and followed him down the stairs. You wanted to ask him to stay, but you knew he would he decline. You had figured it out when he slept in the chair last night. Don't sleep together, an unspoken rule had been set.
"You be good baby girl, kay?" He asked once he was at the door, looking down at you.
"Of course, what kind of trouble am I going to get into?" You replied, meeting his gaze.
"Who knows." He replied, leaning down to capture your lips, pulling you against his muscular body. "Good night."
"Night Chris." You whispered as he opened the door and walked out into the night. You shut the door behind him, locking it. You pressed your forehead against it for a brief moment before turning and heading up the stairs.
The next couple of days were quiet, you took advantage of the nice weather and time to spruce up the outside of your home. You bought some cute little flowers, planting the along side the path to your front door. Chris had been busy while out in LA, texting you late at night to see how your day was.
Early one morning your phone pinging woke you. You fumbled your hand around on the dresser till you found it.
Chris: I need you.
Your heart raced at the words, you weren't even sure how respond.
Chris: there is a plane ticket with your name on it, your flight leaves in four hours. My brother will come to check on hagrid for you.
You: I guess I'll see you soon then.
Chris: thank you.
You grabbed your only suitcase from under your bed, filling it with a couple changes of clothes and necessities. You called a cab, choosing to leaving your car at home. Before you could fully understand what was going on you were at the airport terminal with a ticket in hand, waiting to board a plane out to California.
Chris: hope you have a safe flight.
His following text was the address of the hotel he was staying at, and letting you know to go to the receptionist and tell them your name. Your heart hammering as you boarded, you took your seat, wondering what you getting yourself into.
Hours later as the plane finally landed you stepped off and retrieved your luggage from the claims center. You stepped out into the heat of the California evening, you hailed a cab and gave him the address. You looked out the window as the tall buildings of LA engulfed you. Traffic was heavy and it took you a while to get to the hotel.
You gave the cab driver his fare and a tip, as he set your luggage at your feet. You picked the bag up, turning toward the extravagant building. The door man pulled the door open as he greeted you with a warm smile. You looked around in wonder at beauty of the room as you walked up to the desk.
"Hi, can I help you?" The woman have you a fake smile.
"Yes, my name is.." you explained that someone had call ahead for you as she punched in keys.
"Here you go, room 618." She responded handing you the debt card like key. You walked over to the elevator, pushing the button for the sixth floor. You tapped your foot as you watched the numbers roll by.
The elevator dinging as the doors rolled open, you followed down the hall till you the room. Unlocking and stepping in you gentling set the bag down, walking over to the window. You looked out into the busy street beneath you, you sighed, turning away.
Chris: please have the lights off, I'll be there in a minute.
You: I will.
It seemed like an eternity before you heard the door unlatch, your stood in the center of the room. The only light that illuminated your surroundings was the moonlight coming from the slightly open curtains behind you. You saw his figure as he opened the door, his shoulders sagged, as if he carried the weight of the world on them.
He closed the door behind him, latching the door. Chris walked toward you, you stepped forward wrapping your arms around his neck as his snaked around your waist. He buried his face into your neck, taking a deep breath in.
Out of all the scenarios that had run through your head, this was not the one you expected. He held onto you tightly, you carded your fingers through his hair, holding him just as tightly. His hot breath fanning out over your shoulder.
"Thank you." He whispered finally breaking the silence.

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