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"Evening." He purred into the phone. Your heart hammered in your chest, you felt as if you were standing on the edge of a cliff. Behind you was the safety and comfort of the life you knew, before you the abyss of the known. You were resisting the urge to hang up the phone.
    "Y/n, you'll be back in a year."
"You can't make it on your own, you have no life skills."
"Boston is a long way from home if you run into any trouble. "
Words of self doubt spiraling around in your head as you gripped the phone tight, your chest constricting making it hard to focus. You breathed in trying to calm your nerves.
"Y/n? Are you still there?" He asked.
"Yes, I'm here." Your voice quivered a bit more then you would of liked it to.
"And have you made a decision?" He questioned, you closed your eyes, inhaling deeply.
"Yes, it's a deal." You tell him, the wind kicked up around you, a few rain droplets started to pelt you. A storm was rolling in, as you began to move again.
"Wonderful. I was beginning to wonder if I would hear from you." He chuckled into the phone, you tucked your head into the collar of your jacket as the rain started to come down harder. "Are you outside?"
"Yes, I went for a walk after work." Your replied as the temps started to drop.
"Where are you?" His words coming out more like a demand then a question. You tell him, realizing that you were further from your home then you had planned. "I want you to find the nearest coffee shop and stay put."
"Chris, its fine." You tell him crossing the street.
"This wasn't a debate, go into the nearest coffee shop and stay put. I'm coming to get you." He ordered, hanging up before you could argue anymore with him.
   You did as instructed, finding a coffee shop close by, the smell of caffeine hit you full force as you pulled open the door. The warmth from within enveloped you as you crossed the threshold. You walked up the counter and a perky blonde popped up seemingly out of out nowhere.
   "What can I get you?" She asked cheerfully, you pulled out the measly amount of bills from the few tips you did manage to get today. You counted them out and ordered just a drip coffee, the only thing you could afford.
   You took the coffee over the a seat by the window after doctoring it up. A shiver rushed down your spine, even though it had been warm when you arrived you body got used to the temperature and now you were cold again. You completely soaked to the bone, your hair clung to your neck annoying you.
   A part of you felt guilty for dripping so much water on the floor. You'd rather just continue your walk home, not wait for him to come pick you up. It would probably take him longer to get here anyway, you sighed to yourself as you watched the traffic lazily pass by the window. It was getting late, almost midnight, you should of been home hours ago and you knew it.
    Your phone chimed, letting you know that you had text. It was Chris telling you that he was out front, you took a deep breath and looking out the window. A shiny black car waited by the curb, you stood and exited the building. The window rolled down as you approached.
    "Get in." He stated calmly as you hunched down to look in.
    "Chris, I'm soaking wet." You tell him as the rain continued to beat down on you. " I'll ruin your leather seats."
   "I wasn't asking." He replied, his tone was cool, you opened the car door, stepping inside. He had the heat on full blast as a shiver tore through you again. He pulled away from the curb, you couldn't tell if he was mad or annoyed with you.
   "Where do you live?" He kept his eyes on the road. You tell him your address softly, feeling much like a child in trouble. "You do realize that's the bad side of town."
    "It's what I can afford, and it's on a bus line." You replied, looking out the passenger side window.
   "I thought you owned a car." A hint of confusion in his voice.
   "I do, but it's cheaper to ride the bus then it is for gas and my car is on its last legs." You watched as the city rolled by.
    "We'll have to fix that." He muttered under his breath. The car ride was quiet the rest of way to your apartment.
He found a parking spot close the front of your building, shutting the car off, he looked out the passenger window. Concern etched across his eyebrows as he shook his head. He looked across the street and was shocked to see a hooker shooting up next to a convenience store.
"Thank you for bringing me home." You mumble, feeling awkward.
"Let me walk you to your door." He stated getting out the car as you opened the door. He met you as you started walking to the building.
"No, it's okay." You tell him quietly, he took two long strides in front of you, blocking your path. He pressed his finger to the bottom of your chin forcing you to look up at him.
"I'm walking you to your door, no arguing with me on this one." His facial expressions warmer then they had been moments earlier. You felt weird, him knowing where you lived, you felt exposed. You couldn't pretend that you lived somewhere nicer. Couldn't play off that yours clothes came from a second hand store.
You took the stairs that lead to the second floor attempting not to retch at the strong smell of urine and stale beer. The elevator had been out since you'd moved in, and you dreaded taking the stairs everyday. If the smell wasn't enough to ward you off it was the constant harassment from the pimps that lived in the building.
Chris followed you silently, disgusted by the smell and the dirt that had built up in the narrow stair well. He could hear the wail of a baby somewhere in the build, even over the consistent low thump of bass. Low lighting spilled into the darkened stair well as you pushed the door open to the second floor.
The narrow hallway was litter with trash and broken glass, doors were randomly open, allowing a canopy of lingering scents to fill the enclosed area. Chris casually look in an apartment to see two men strung out on a torn up and tattered couch, as a pimp backhanded one of his women. He had to reel himself back in to keep from busting into the room and strangling the man.
You stopped just short of the end of the hall, fishing your key out of your jeans. You unlocked the door, feeling a shamed of where you were living. Not a single soul knew that where you reside was full of drug use and hookers.
"Would you like to come in?" You asked, not bothering to look over at him, afraid to see the disgust you knew would be in his eyes.

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