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     "Chris, he didn't say anything, I promise." You lied to him again, sitting next to him on the bed. He reached over and placed his hand gently on your knee, Chris leaned into you his lips seeking yours. For a moment you hesitated before leaning into him, wanting to taste him one more time.
     He brought his free hand up, cupping your cheek as he deepened the kiss, his tongue slowly slipping in between your lips. He was slow, savoring the feel of your lips moving against his, humming contently. Chris shifted, bringing his muscular arm around behind you and pulling you into his lap. Your towel fell around your waist as he stood, lifting you with him. His lips never left yours as he walked you over to his room.
     Gently Chris lowered you into his bed, his body laying on top of yours. His lips moved down the side of your face, trailing across the soft skin of your throat. He nipped lightly at the junction where your neck met your shoulder, a soft moan escaped your lips response. You could feel his growing arousal pressing against your thigh as he slowly worked his way further down.
     You brought your hands to his head, slowly slipping your fingers through his hair, closing your eyes allowing yourself to forget for the moment the embarrassment and pain from tonight. Chris's mouth found your nipple, his teeth grazing across the hardened nub. You inhaled sharply as he sucked onto it pulling into the warmth of his mouth, slowly he gently rolled his hips into you. You tighten your hold on to his hair, as his tongue worked gentle circles over your nipple.
     Slowly Chris reached down between your legs, his fingers finding you folds with ease. He teased the digit at your entrance gathering some your seeping wetness on his finger. Your hips bucked up on their accord needing to feel him more, Chris chuckling darkly against your nipple nipping it lightly.
    "God, you're fucking soaked, baby girl." He whispered, slipping his finger fully into you. Your back arch up off the bed, as he hooked his finger and gently stroked you. His thumb found your clit, pressing down on it as he rubbed it in time with his finger.
     You couldn't help it when your grip faltered on his hair dropping to his arms you wrapped your fingers around the thickness of his bi-cep. Chris watched your face as he continued to stroke and pump his finger into your core, slipping a second in. You opened your eyes, locking onto his. His pupils fully dilated as he sucked onto his bottom lip, watching as you were beginning to be taken higher.
     You could feel that coil tighten in your belly as he brought you closer to the edge. Chris quicken the pace at which he pumped in and out of your aching core, his thumb increasing the pressure on your clit.
     "Cum for me baby." He whispered, you felt your orgasm tear through your body, your nerve endings buzzing as he slowed his pace back down. He let you ride out the remaining waves that ebbed through your body.
     Chris slowly removed his fingers from inside you, he sucked your juices off before discarding his own clothes. He lowered himself back down, tenderly grabbing one of your thighs nestling himself between them. He pressed the tip of his hardened length at your wet entrance, slowly toying at you. He leaned down, his lips connecting with yours before thrusting into you hard.
     Chris rolled his hips hard as he thrusted down into your body, pulling your leg up over his hip. His lips never left yours as he snapped his hips into you. It was this first time he rutted into you like this, where his lips never left yours. You started to feel your orgasm building again as he thrusted in you. Chris was chasing his own release, his hips began to move erratically. Your body tighten under him and your second orgasm washed through you, walls clenching around his cock.
      He thrusted hard into you a handful of times before slowing down, his lips finally leaving yours. His heavy pants fanned out across your face. You looked up at him in the darkness, his features were soft as he looked your face over. The corner of his mouth crept up in a lopsided smile, holding himself up by one hand he reached up brushing some of the hair from your face. Slowly tracing his finger down the side of your jaw line, he leaned down and kissed you again.
    Chris slowly removed himself from you, walking over to the bathroom. You heard the water run for a moment before he came back out with damp towel. He placed it between your legs like the first time, and at that moment everything came flooding back. He cleaned you up, and tossing the towel back to the bathroom.
    You curled onto your side away from him feeling disgusted with yourself. You didn't think you could allow yourself to do that again after finding out he had told his friends about you. You hated yourself for wanting feel to him like that again. The bed dipped behind you, Chris wrapped an arm around your body. He placed a gentle kiss on your shoulder blade.
    "Goodnight, y/n." He whispered, pulling the covers up around the both of you.
Your heart hammering in you chest, you should return to your room. You both needed to stop breaking every Don't along the way. But it wasn't going to do any good. You loved him, there was no denying that, you loved being with him every minute he was with you.
"Number four, the most important one, don't fall in love with me."
    You closed you eyes to the memory, feeling the tears slowly start to fall from your face. You pulled the blanket up to your chin, tucking your head down. Chris wrapped his arm tighter around you as the tears continued to silently fall.

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