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"Then maybe I can help you out." Filtered into your head as you started to pour the coffee, missing the mug completely.
     "I'm so sorry, I'll be right back." You muttered turning crimson, dashing to the kitchen, you retrieved a towel. Quickly cleaning up the mess on the customers table, trying to shake the words from your memory. Mentally kicking yourself for completely missing the target.
"You need money and I want company."
"Y/n!!" Rachel almost screamed at you for the third time, you looked down at your customers. Wrong food, wrong table. You blinked hard as you apologized for what seemed like the hundredth time today, grabbing the plates knowing now the cook would have to restart the order.
"I still can't believe you served him yesterday!" She snapped as you hurried back to the window. She's been snapping at you all day, not that it was your fault, she had been the one to call in. You had tried to reason with her that you just couldn't ignore him and there had been no other waitresses on duty.
   "What I want and what I can have are two separate things in my life right now. But as a man there are still needs that I have, what I won't do is be sleeping around. I need someone I can trust enough not to go talking to anyone. I need someone I trust not to be sleeping around with other men."
    As you started your travel across the busy dining room you felt the serving tray start to teeter, you tried to correct your hand placement. It was unfortunately to late, gravity had already pulled the corner causing the plates to slide flipping it, crashingto the floor. Food splattered everywhere, dishes broke on impact. All six plates of food lay in a mess on the dining room floor.
   Everyone was staring at you, you huffed as you yelled back to the kitchen that you needed a refire on the entire order. You knelt down and started picking pieces up throwing them on the large plater. At the moment you just wished the ground would open you up and swallow you whole.
"As a man there are needs that I still have."
Pain shot through your finger tips as you grabbed a piece of glass wrong. You cussed under your breath, wrapping your hand in a the towel hooked to your belt. You bit back tears as you realized that today you were looking like a fool and newbie. This day couldn't get any worse, nothing was going right, hadn't since you woke up forty five minutes late.
"Y/n!" Rachel's voice came out as groan as she saw you kneeling on the floor trying to pick up the mess you made and whatever dignity you had left. "Seriously, you've got to be the worst waitress I've seen in a long time, and you aren't even hung over."
"Twenty four hours and then the deal is off the table."
You could hear something being yelled from the back of the building.
    "Reggie wants to see you in his office." She giggled gleefully. You knew you were in trouble as you stood picking the plater up walking to the back, putting it with the rest of the dirty plates.
To say you had a case of the Monday's was a massive understatement. Your boss gave  you a stern talking to, even though this was the first you've ever had a day like this since you started, he still ripped into you almost bringing your to tears. The worse part of it, he was taking the money from all the wasted food out of your next check, money you desperately need in order to pay your electric bill.
At the end of your shift you pulled on your jacket and left the building. Instead of going home you decided to wander around, in need of fresh air to clear your mind. Chris's proposition kept creeping up in your mind, playing over and over on a loop it seemed. It was the reason you couldn't sleep last night causing you to be late.
It would be stupid to pass this up, you could make a lot of money. On the other hand you would be whoring yourself out, something you had told yourself you would never do. Not that you had anything against sex workers, but it just wasn't your thing. The sound of it just didn't sit well with you, how would you even describe it, not that you could tell anyone.
The same time, you would only be with him, and him alone. He had made that quite clear, which meant pushing off your dating life. You didn't have anyone in mind to begin with but life always has a funny way of throwing a curve ball at you.
You chuckled, life definitely threw you one this time. Chris's rules were simple enough. You knew that you could pass his check of being clean, you hadn't had many lovers to begin with and none since the last time you were checked over a year ago. You already were on birth control and after today you were ready to quit your job.
You sighed as you pulled your phone out checking to see how much time you had left to make your decision. You still had two hours to mull it over, you knew you were over thinking. A habit of yours that held you back most of the time. You knew that this was a once if life time opportunity, you could save up money and travel doing this. Plus, you would be sleeping with a man millions of people would die to even meet.
You dialed the number he gave before you talk yourself out of the decision you had made.
"Hello?" A deep voice on the other end said, his voice to be precise.
"Hi Chris, it's y/n." You said shakily.

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