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You woke the next morning, slowly sitting up in the hotel bed. You looked around your room in the morning light, clothing had been tossed about in the heat of last night. Your panties some how hung from the tv opposite of the bed, Chris's shirt wadded up in the corner. You chuckled to yourself, then you spotted the open door connecting your rooms.
A wicked idea forming in your head as you scooted off the bed, walking quietly to the opening. You peeked in, Chris was sprawled out on the bed, sheet barely covering waist, one arm extended out the other laid across his broad chest. You crept in, biting your bottom lip.
You crawled onto the foot of the bed, slowly pulling the sheet back. He was half erect, you wondered if this man was ever not ready for sex. You licked your lips wetting them down before wrapping your lips around the head, he inhaled sharply. Slowly you slid your mouth down his shaft, Chris let out a soft moan from his parted lips.
Slowly you began to bob your head, his cock hardening fully in you mouth. You felt his hand on the back of your head as another moan escaped him. He cursed silently under his breath as his eyes fluttered open looking down at you. His mouth slack as you hollowed your cheeks around him.
"Fuck, y/n, this is one hell of a wake call." He managed to say between moans, his hand gently guiding head. You slid him completely out of your mouth, giving him one last hard suck at the tip before crawling up his body.
"That was the plan." You smiled coyly at him, lining his member up with your entrance. Chris watch you with hooded eyes as you slowly slid yourself down, bottom out on him.
His eyes screwed shut as he bit his lip, his hands finding their way to your hips. You paused a moment taking the sight of his face contorting in pleasure before you began to rock your hips.
Chris lightly guided you as you slowly rode him, your hands on his chest for support. His eyes connected with yours, as both you enjoyed the sensation. Your clit rubbed against his pelvic bone with each roll, taking you higher. He reached up, his hand gently caressed your breast, flicking a finger across your hardened nipple.
It didn't take long for his hips to meet yours with each roll, his need for the pace to pick up beginning to show. You sped up as you could feel yourself beginning to tighten, desperate for release.
"Come on, baby girl." He stated between heavy breaths as you neared your peak. "Cum for me."
That was it, hearing him talk to you like that. You felt those coils burst deep in you, you continued to ride out your high as his hips jerked hard into you a couple of times as he came.
You breathed heavy still on top him, your hands gripping on to him as felt yourself come back down to earth. You looked down at him, a small smile on your face.
"My little minx, I was not expecting that." He breathed pulling you down to him. Kissing you gently, you rolled next to him in the bed.
"You said I could come find you when I woke up." You smirked over at him, he laughed lightly to himself.
"That I did, and I'm pleasantly surprised." He stated, wrapping his body against your side.
"So what do you have going on today?" You asked, kissing the back his head that was resting on your chest.
"I have a photo shoot, and another interview." He responded, nuzzling his face in your breast, placing a kiss at the top of one.
"Sounds like so much fun." You said, running a hand across his back.
"So much, you could come, pretend to my PA." He said, turning his head up towards yours, his hopeful eyes looking at your face.
"Chris, I don't even know how act like one." You responded, he sat up, tracing his finger across your collarbone.
"Just sit there, play on your phone for a bit. You don't even have to talk, please?" He asked, you knew you should say no but the pleading look in his eyes had you.
"Okay." You sighed, his smile spreading from ear to ear. "I didn't bring anything professional looking to wear though."
"Well, then let's get ready, we'll stop by some place and find something for you to wear." He stated, bounding of the bed full of energy.
An hour later the two of you were at a high end shop scouring through clothes. He found something professional looking that would work. Though it was a little to low cut for your tastes he insisted it would be fine.
You made it to his photo shoot, dozens of people stood around, barking orders at each other. Chris changed into the outfit they wanted him to where, starting to pose him this way and that way. Just being there observing was giving you anxiety, you could only imagine how it was for him.
They continued to dictate how they wanted him to stand and look, his facial expressions. It seemed daunting to you that they asked so much of him. He glanced over at you and gave you small tired smile before they redirected him again. He had been shooting for two hours solid with no break, and you had had enough.
You waited till they had stopped to fuss over his hair for the hundredth time before taking a step up the large group of people pouring over the pictures on the screen.
"Excuse me, but I need to borrow Mr. Evans, I have an important email I need to discuss with him." You stated clearly, one of the men turned around to face you, his eyes racked over you, before settling on your cleavage.
"And you are?" He asked, sounding annoyed already.
"I'm his personal assistant. And I need to talk with my boss." Well, half of that was true at least, he waved you off.
"Fine. A couple of minutes." He said already looking back to the screen.
You walked away, hooking your head for him follow as the guy you talked to said that they were taking a break. He walked over, raising an eyebrow at you, someone trailing along behind him.
He came over to the wall you were standing by, you waited a minute as the girl who had followed him pretended to be busy. You saw her look over towards the both of you out of the corner of her eye. You took a deep breath, turning slightly to face her.
"Excuse me." You said trying to keep your annoyance out of your voice. "Can you give my boss and I a couple of minutes?"
She glanced up looking like someone who got caught before scurrying off.
"What's going on?" He asked softly, his eyes searching your face.
"Looked like you could use a break." You smiled up at him.
"I did, thank you." Chris said, shoving his hands in his pockets as he leaned against the wall. "How'd you get them to do it?"
"Told then there was an important email I needed to talk to you about." You grinned as he smirked down you, he shook his head.
"Look at you being all official and bossy." His eyes darkened, his voice lowering. "Kinda hot."
"Down boy, we're in public." You whispered, chuckling lightly. "Your rules, remember."

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