Part 8.

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I awoke slowly, consciousness streaming in through soft bursts.

The room was clinical, I must have been in one of the emergency rooms at the hospital.

"Oh good, you're up." A nurse said as she entered the room.

"How Long was I out?" I asked, desperate to get back to my friends. We needed to grieve together. And I was worried of what they might do if left alone.

"Almost a day. Has this happened before"

A day? Holy shit. I needed to get out as quick as I could.

As I started moving forward trying to untangle and disconnect all the wires attached to me I was stopped.

"You can't go just yet, we need you to answer a few questions for us."

"Quickly." I demanded, impatient to get back to the Southside.

"You are Cheryl Blossom correct?" She asked, reading off of a clipboard in her hands.

"The one and only" I replied with a hint of snark and depravation.

"You live on the Southside and are a member of the Southside Serpents?"


"Were you close with Sweet Pea?" She asked, now looking to meet my eyes.

I avoided her stare, "he was like my brother. Which is why I must get going."

"One last question Miss Blossom and then you're free to go." She paused, studying my fave for a second before she continued, as if to commit every detail to memory.
"Did you kill Sweet Pea And your brother Jason Blossom?"

"No." I tried to remain calm. Tried. "I loved my brother Jason, despite our parents accusations. And I loved Sweet Pea despite whatever those vultures in the Newspaper are saying about him. I did nothing to hurt them."

The nurse wrote on the clipboard as I spoke.

"Can I leave now?" I asked once I'd regained some semblance of composure.

"You may..."

I called Toni the second I made it out the front door of the hospital, she'd dropped off my bike for me when I woke up.

"Cheryl, thank god you're okay. Where are you?" Toni asked, her voice instantly calming my nerves.

"Leaving the hospital now. Meet me at the White Wyrm, I'll text Jughead and tell him to rally the rest." I said before hanging up and mounting the motorcycle.

Jughead and Toni were standing outside as I pulled up.

"Hey, you okay?" Jughead asked, putting on a voice of comfort and compassion.

"Fine. Where were you when they told us?" I asked right back at him.

He looked nervous, shifting his weight from side to side. "What do you mean?"

"When principal Weathersbee and Sheriff Keller told us about Sweet Pea. Where were you!?" I could feel myself getting too aggressive already. But I had to know.

"Cheryl..." Toni said cautiously.

"It's fine Toni," Jughead interjected. "I was with Betty."

"Betty Cooper!?" I don't know what I was expecting. But Jughead and my brothers girlfriend's sister was not it.

"We were working on an article for the Blue and Gold at Pops." He looked distraught. "The sheriffs son told me when I got back to school. I'm sorry I wasn't with you guys."

With that we entered the White Wyrm to address all of our fellow Serpents about what was happening.

"Before anything gets out of hand, we want to dispel a few rumors" Our Serpent king said, adjusting his signature beanie as he spoke.
"Sweet Pea is dead. The police seem to think the case is related to that of-" he hesitated for a moment glancing over to me. "-of Jason Blossom. We need to be on best behavior to make sure the cops don't just give up on investigating and try to pin it on one of us. Stay focused, stay vigilant. And remember: In Unity..."

Jughead paused and let the rest of the serpents continue reciting the law.

"There is strength"

"So," Fangs said, walking into the center of the room. "What do we do now?"

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